Positions Available


Graduate Students in the Michele laboratory primarily enter via the

Program in Biomedical Sciences and one of two graduate programs that Dr. Michele is affiliated with, the Molecular and Integrative Physiology PhD Graduate Program or the Cellular and Molecular Biology PhD Graduate Program. The Michele lab will provide a broad range of training from molecular biology, biochemistry, viral gene transfer, cell biology, and whole animal physiology in the mouse. Any students with interest in the molecular basis of human disease are encouraged to apply. Students will be encouraged and supported to develop their own projects with the goal of first author publications in top tier journals. Please send an email to Dr. Michele including a CV or a brief description of your current status as a student and your experience. POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSTitle: Molecular Mechanisms of Muscular Dystrophy and CardiomyopathyPI: Dr. Daniel Michele, PhD

Contact: dmichele@umich.edu

A post-doctoral position is available to study the molecular mechanisms of human muscular dystrophies and cardiomyopathies associated with mutations in the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex. Spontaneous mutant, gene targeted, and conditional knockout mouse models will be utilized for physiological, cellular, and biochemical/molecular studies of disease processes with a goal of determining possible therapeutic approaches.

Individuals with a post-graduate degree in any biological/biomedical discipline and experience with mouse model development or muscle/cardiovascular research are encouraged to apply.

Please send a CV, a one page summary of research accomplishments and goals, and names/addresses of three references. Electronic submissions by email are preferred.


Undergraduate students working during the school year usually work part-time by obtaining positions through the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) or by directly applying with financial support from the Work-Study financial aid program.

Undergraduate students who would like to work full time in the summer should apply to one of four summer undergraduate programs shown below that Dr. Michele is associated with. The deadlines for these programs are usually in January-early February so planning ahead is essential. See the fellowship websites for details on the application process.

Frankel CVC Summer Undergraduate Fellowship Program (nationally competitive, Dr. Michele is director)

MIP Summer Undergraduate Fellowship Program (nationally competitive)

UROP Summer Fellowship Program (U of M students only)

Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP) (nationally competitive, underrepresented minorities only)