NREUP 2016

National Research Experience for Undergraduates Program (NREUP) at University of Michigan-Dearborn: May 9, 2016 - July 24, 2016.


This program is an MAA activity funded by NSF grant DMS-1359016.

Faculty mentors: Hyejin Kim and Yunus Zeytuncu

Students: Brook Calhoun (UMD), Aaron Cofield (UMD), Luis Gutierrez (UMD), and Brandi Wingate (UMD) 

Guest students: Brandon Lee (UMD) and Michael Schigelone (UMD)

Program Description: General idea of decomposing a generic function (or a signal) into a superposition of symmetric pieces is a powerful tool in mathematics and science. A few specific areas it is used frequently include differential equations, signal processing, image coding and information theory.

Mathematicians use this tool to solve differential equations, engineers use it to reconstruct unknown parts of a signal from observed parts, and applied mathematicians use it to help researchers to interpolate between parts of various models, such as financial, medical and biological.

In the summer program, we plan to present this general idea using two classical tools of decomposition, Fourier series and spherical harmonics, with applications in different areas of science. 


Pictures and Videos

2017 CASL Undergraduate Research Showcase: Luis Gutierrez