
I can teach classes on General Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Language Variation, Dialects of English (in the US and the world), Languages of the World, Language Attitudes, Language and Discrimination, and Language and Media. My background also includes intensive coursework with topics such as sociophonetics, discourse analysis, language and gender, and prosody.

University of Michigan Lecturer

LING/ANTH 370: Language and Discrimination (Winter 2022)

LING 347: Talking Minds (Winter 2019)

LING 340: Introduction to Sociolinguistics (Winter 2019)

LING 114: World of Words (Winter 2019)

University of Michigan Graduate Student Instructor

LING/ANTH 370: Language and Discrimination (Winter 2014, Winter 2018), Graduate Student Instructor

HONORS 230: Living with Animals (Fall 2017), Head Graduate Student Instructor

LING/ANTH 370: Language and Discrimination (Summer 2017), Instructor of Record

LING 340WR: Introduction to Sociolinguistics (Fall 2014), Graduate Student Instructor

LING 112: Languages of the World (Summer 2014), Instructor of Record

LING 362/ANTH 375WR: Talking and Telling (Fall 2013), Graduate Student Instructor

North Carolina State University

ENG 324: Modern English Syntax (Spring 2012), Teaching Assistant

ENG 525: Variety in Language (Graduate Level) (Fall 2011), Teaching Assistant

ENG 210: Introduction to Language and Linguistics (Fall 2010, Spring 2011), Teaching Assistant

Guest Lectures

"Language and Media" LING/ANTH 370: Language & Discrimination (Summer 2020), University of Michigan (synchronous over Zoom)

“Implicit Language Attitudes towards American Southern English.” LING 111: Introduction to Language (Summer 2018), University of Michigan

“Defining Sexual Harassment within the Cosplay Community.” LING 151:Language and Gender (Summer 2018), University of California, Berkeley (recorded)

“Southern Grammar and Media.” LING 102: Grammar Fails (Winter 2016), University of Michigan

Additional Experience

Research Associate, Updating wiki of teaching materials and resources for Linguistics graduate students and transferring it to a user-friendly platform (Fall 2018), University of Michigan

Grader, LING 115: Language in a Multicultural World (Fall 2017), University of Michigan

Teaching Certificate (Summer 2015), University of Michigan Center for Research on Learning and Teaching

Preparing Future Faculty Seminar (Summer 2015), University of Michigan

Grader, LING 347: Talking Minds (Fall 2014), University of Michigan