
Website- Member Slideshow

Information for Current Members


Weekly rehearsals for both orchestras are Wednesdays, 7:00-9:30pm in the Moore Building. 

You may register for ENS 344 on Wolverine Access in order to receive more announcements.  

Attendance Policy

Students are expected to attend all rehearsals as well as the end-of-semester concert. Note that rehearsals start promptly at the beginning of the hour, not Michigan Time.

You are responsible for signing in at the beginning of rehearsal. Coming to rehearsal more than 30 minutes late will be counted as an unexcused absence.

Every student can receive 2 excused absences without penalty. An absence must be communicated and approved at least 24 hours in advance by the orchestra manager via email to be considered excused.

Report absences and tardiness via email to the conductors of the orchestra.

Performance Dress Code

Option 1:  Black tuxedo or suit, white dress shirt, black tie, black shoes and socks.

Option 2:  Long-sleeved black dress shirt, full-length black skirt/pants, black closed-toe shoes. 

Please note: Perfumes, colognes, and aftershaves are not allowed.

Performance Procedures

You are required to listen to your colleagues play on their half of the concert.

Cellists MUST USE ROCKSTOPS on the stage at Hill Auditorium.

No Food or Drink is allowed onstage or in the audience of Hill Auditorium with the single exception of water in a sealable container.