Campus Orchestra Concerto Competition
The Campus Orchestras typically hold a concerto competition at the end of the fall semester. The winner will have the opportunity to perform with Campus Symphony Orchestra in the winter concert in Hill Auditorium. The conductors will send out an email or post in Canvas about audition dates.
General guidelines for the concerto competition auditions
(subject to change slightly semester to semester):
(subject to change slightly semester to semester):
Students who apply must be registered in the class and be present at every rehearsal during both fall and winter semesters.
The jury will be composed of the conductors of the Campus Orchestras plus an external member(s).
If the level of the competitors is not high enough, the jury is allowed to not declare a winner.
The applicants can choose any work with orchestra accompaniment, i.e. a concerto, fantasy, rondo, romance, or one movement from a concerto or concertino.
The total length should not exceed 15 minutes (If the total length of the concerto is longer, the winner will have to choose a movement to perform).
On the day of the competition, the jury can ask the competitor to play either the entire piece/movements or excerpts. Also, the applicants need to provide 3 copies of their solo to the jury.
There will be no piano accompanist provided.
If you are interested and would like to register for the concert competition audition, please send an email to Luca Antonucci at indicating your instrument and the name of your piece.