Archival Metrics Toolkits

Economic Impact Survey

A user-based evaluation tool for visitors to evaluate the economic impact of government archives.

Focus Groups

A user-based evaluation toolkit for archivists planning to use the focus group method for data collection.


A user-based evaluation tool for on-site researchers to evaluate the quality of services, facilities, and finding aids in university archives and special collections.

Online Finding Aids

A user-based evaluation tool for visitors to evaluate the quality and usability of online finding aids in university archives and special collections.

Student Researchers

A user based evaluation tool for students use the archives or special collections as part of a class and participate in archival orientations.

Teaching Support

A user-based evaluation tool for instructors who have used the university archives and special collections to evaluate its services.

Website / Access Tools Survey

A user-based evaluation tool for visitors and reference requestors to evaluate website access tools.


A user-based evaluation tool for visitors to evaluate the quality and usability of websites in university archives and special collections.