

9 Africa Workshop: Morten Jerven (School of International Studies - Simon Frasier University) "Poor Numbers: How We Are Misled by African Development Statistics and What to Do About It."

23 Africa Workshop: Dr. Denis Mukwege and Dr. Gustave Mushalagalus "Transforming Violence & Conflict into Hope and Innovation" (TVCHI) launch reception with Dr. Denis Mukwege and Dr. Gustave Mushalagalus

24 Emma Park (PhD Candidate, History – University of Michigan) "Roads and the Politics of Mobility in Kenya: An Historical Ethnography of a Contentious Infrastructure"

Jennifer Johnson (PhD Candidate, School of Natural Resources and Environment – University of Michigan) “I Don't Eat Mmamba, but I Drink the Water Where it Lives: Materiality, Mobility and the Politics of Belonging Along Nyanja's Littoral”

26 Eisenberg Institute for Historical Studies Lecture: Adeline Masquelier (Anthropology – Tulane University) "Possession: Stories of Spirits, Loss, and Appropriation in Nigerien Schools"


1 Africa Workshop: Jane Guyer (Anthropology – Johns Hopkins) "Price Fluctuation and the Production of Confusion in Two West African Oil Producing Economies"

8 Africa Workshop: Aimé Césaire 100th Birthday Symposium

“Negro I am, Negro I will remain” with Freda Ekotto (University of Michigan), Mamadou Diouf (Columbia University), Sylvie Kande (SUNY-Old Westbury), Nimrod Bena Djangrang (University of Picardie Jules Verne) with a performance by Taous Khazem

11-12 African Social Research Initiative Conference, “Transnational Vulnerabilities in Governance, Employment and Health: Finding Integrated and Inclusive Solutions" Rackham Assembly Hall 8:30 - 5 pm on; Friday 8:30- 5:45 pm on Saturday followed by closing reception

17 Grants Workshop: Sara Katz, Doreen Kembabazi, Ben Machava, George Njung


22 Marissa Moorman (History - Indiana University) “Our Anti-Imperialism, Your Cold War: Angolan National Radio and the Propaganda War for Namibia” Joint with Africa Workshop


5 Rebecca Hardin (School of Natural Resources and Environment – University of Michigan) and Melissa Remis (Anthropology – Purdue University) “Wildlife Conservation in a Failing Nation: Social and Ecological Costs of Contemporary Conflict in the Central African Republic”

12 Bilal Butt (School of Natural Resources and Environment – University of Michigan) “Herding by Cell Phone: Technology, Social Networks and the ‘Transformation’ of Pastoral Herding in East Africa?”

19 Africa Workshop: Sarah Charlton (School of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of the Witwatersrand) “Contestation and Convergence in Accommodating South Africa’s Poor: What People’s Practices Tell us About State Housing Plans”


10 Meredith McKittrick (History – Georgetown University) "Creating a Backwater: The Reconfiguration of Riparian Space in South-Central Africa, 1820-1930."


14 Africa Workshop: Sylvie Kande (Writing-CUNY) “Epics and Subalternity”

21 Ciraj Rassool (History-UWC) and Ali Hlongwane (Curator of Museum Africa /RSA) "History, Heritage, and Popular Culture: A Conversation between Two Scholars from South Africa."

28 Kelly Askew (Anthropology and Afroamerican and African Studies, University of Michigan) "Negotiated Outcomes in Low-Resourced Courts: Tanzania's Land Tribunal System"


11 Bilinda Straight (Anthropology, Western Michigan University) “Dust People: Samburu Perspectives on Disaster, Identity, and Resilience.”

18 Africa Workshop: Magali Compan (French and Francophone Studies, William and Mary College) "Noeuds de mémoire: Multidirectional Memory in the Francophone Indian Ocean."


4 Baruani Mshale (PhD Candidate, School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan) “Changing Mobility Technologies and Environmental Change in Southeastern Tanzania”

11 James Igoe (Anthropology, University of Virginia) “Contemplation Becomes Speculation.” A draft chapter in a larger book project entitled Spectacle of Nature, Spirit of Capitalism: How Images Connect and Disconnect People and the Environment.

18 Africa Workshop: Zanele Muholi (South African Photographer)South African Photography and LGBTI

25 Tara Dosumu Diener (PhD Candidate, Anthropology and History, University of Michigan) "Practicing Space: Embodied Memory and Social Reproduction in a Freetown Maternity Hospital"

J. Edgar Taylor, (PhD Candidate, Anthropology and History, University of Michigan) "Performing Division: the Gendered Politics of the 1959 Anti-Asian Buganda Boycott"


1 Clapperton Mavhunga (Science, Technology, and Society, MIT) “African Modes of Nature: The Indigenous Archive as Philosophy and Practice?” Jointly sponsored with the Africa Workshop and STS

3-5 Africa Workshop Film Festival: Cinema and New Media in the Global South

18 AHAW Annual Conference: “Bodies and Technologies in Africa: Histories and Politics of Healing and Preservation” Jointly sponsored with the School of Medicine and African Studies. Event to be held in 1014 Tisch

Guest Speaker: Guillaume Lachenal, Université Paris Diderot, Département Histoire et Philosophie des Sciences

Further details to follow

AHAW events are sponsored by the Rackham Interdisciplinary Workshop Program and the African Studies Center.