
Journal publications

Fischer, J.L., Roseman, E.F., Mayer, C., Wills, T., Vaccaro, L., Read, J., Manny, B., Kennedy, G., Ellison, R., Drouin, R., DeBruyne, R.L., Cotel, A., Chiotti, J., Boase, J. and Bennion, D. (2021), “A Structured Approach to Remediation Site Assessment: Lessons from 15 Years of Fish Spawning Habitat Creation in the St. Clair‐Detroit River System.” Restor Ecol.., 2021.

Cotel, A.J. and Breidenthal, R.E. , “The Mystery of Accelerating Turbidity Currents: The Curious Case of the Congo Canyon”, Earth and Space Science Open Archive, 2020.

Oyanedel-Craver, V., Cotel, A.J., Saito, L., Abu-Dalo, M., Gough, H. and Verstraeten, I., “Water Nexus for Sustainable Global Water Resources”, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 143 (8), 2017.

Standridge, C., Zeitler, D., Clark, A., Spoelma, T., Nordman, E., Boezaart, T.A., Edmonson, J., Graham Howe, G., Meadows, G., Cotel, A. and Marsik, F., “Lake Michigan Wind Assessment Analysis, 2012 and 2013”, Int. Journal of Renewable Energy Development, 6(1), 2017.

Cagney, N., Crameri, F., Newsome, W.H., Lithgow-Bertelloni, C., Cotel, A.J., Hart, S.R., and Whitehead, J.A “Predicting the composition of mantle plumes”, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 435, 55-63, 2016.

Cotel, A.J. and Webb, P.W. “Living in turbulent world – a new conceptual framework for flow-fish interactions”, Integrative and Comparative Biology, 55, doi:10.1093/icb/icv085, 2015.

Cagney, N., Newsome, W.H., Lithgow-Bertelloni, C., Cotel, A.J., Whitehead, J.A. and Hart, S.R. “Temperature and velocity measurements of a rising thermal plume”, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 16, 579–599, doi:10.1002/2014GC005576, 2015.

Whitehead, J.A., Cotel, A.J., Hart, S., Lithgow-Bertelloni, C. and Newsome, W. “Numerical calculations of two-dimensional large Prandtl number convection in a box”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 729, 584-602, 2013

Liao, J. and Cotel, A.J. “Effects of turbulence on fish swimming in aquaculture”, in Swimming Physiology of Fish, 2012.

Cotel, A.J. and Webb, P. W. “The challenge of understanding and quantifying fish responses to turbulence-dominated physical environments”, special IMA volume on Natural Locomotion in Fluids and on Surfaces: Swimming, Flying, and Sliding, 2012.

Meadows, L.M., Cotel, A.J., Webb, P.W., Meadows, G.A. and W.J. Neal. “Interactions between shoreline flow, morphology and biota: considerations for management and conservation”, in press in Habitat Loss, 2012.

Webb, P. W. and Cotel, A. J. “Stability and Turbulence”. In Farrell A.P., (ed.) Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology: From Genome to Environment, San Diego: Academic Press, 2011.

Webb, P.W. and Cotel. A.J. “Assessing possible effects of fish-culture systems on fish swimming: the role of stability in turbulent flows,” Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 37 (2), 297-305, 2011.

Webb, P.W. and Cotel. A.J. “Turbulence: Does vorticity affect the structure and shape of body and fin propulsors?” Integrative and Comparative Biology, 50(6), 1155-1166, 2010.

Tritico, H.M. and Cotel, A.J. “The Effects of Turbulent Eddies on the Stability and Critical Swimming Speed of Creek Chub”, Journal of Experimental Biology, 213 (13), 2284-2293, 2010.

Cotel, A.J. “A Review of Recent Developments for Turbulent Entrainment in Stratified Flows”, Physica Scripta, T 142, 014044, 2010.

Webb, P.W. Cotel, A.J. and Meadows, L.M. “Waves and Eddies: Effects on fish behavior and habitat distribution”, in the book entitled "Fish Locomotion, an etho-ecological approach" published by P. Domenici et al., 2009.

Castro-Santos, T., A. Cotel, and P. Webb. 2009. Fishway evaluations for better bioengineering--an integrative approach. In A. J. Haro, R.A. Rulifson, C.M. Moffitt, M.J. Dadswell, R.A. Cunjak, R.J. Klauda, K. Smith, T. Avery, J. E. Cooper, and K.L. Beal, eds. Challenges for Diadromous Fishes in a Dynamic Global Environment.

Cotel, A.J. and Kudo, Y. “PIV and LIF measurements of buoyancy driven flows impinging on a stratified interface.” Experiments in Fluids, 45(1), 131-138, 2008.

Tritico, H., Cotel, A.J. and Clarke, J. “Development of small scale submersible PIV system,” Measurement Science and Technology, 18, 255-2562, 2007.

Samothrakis, P. and Cotel, A.J. “Finite volume gravity current impinging on a stratified interface.” Experiments in Fluids, 41(6), 991-1003, 2006.

Cotel, A.J., Webb, P. and Tritico, H. “Do trout choose habitats with reduced turbulence?” Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 115, 610-619, 2006.

Samothrakis, P. and Cotel, A.J. “The dynamics of a gravity current impinging on a stratified interface,” Journal of Geophysical Research 111, C01012, doi:10.1029/2005JC003125, 2005.

Cotel, A.J., Golingo, R., Oakes, J.E. and Riewe, R.R. “Analysis of heat transfer in ancient Inuit fur parka ruffs,” J. of Climate Research, 26, 77-84, 2004.

Cotel, A.J. “Turbulence inside a vortex – Take two”, Physics of Fluids, 14(8), 2933-2934, 2002.

Zhang, Q. and Cotel, A.J. “Entrainment of a thermal with and without buoyancy reversal impinging on a stratified interface,” Journal of Geophysical Research 105(D12), 15457- 15467, 2000.

Cotel, A.J. and Breidenthal, R.E. “Turbulence inside a vortex,” Physics of Fluids 11(10), 3026-3029, 1999.

Cotel, A.J. “A trigger mechanism for the Lake Nyos disaster,” Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 88, 343-347, 1999.

Cotel, A.J., Gjestvang, J.A., Ramkhelawan, N.N. and Breidenthal, R.E. “Laboratory experiments of a jet impinging on a stratified interface,” Experiments in Fluids 23(2), 155-160, 1997.

Cotel, A.J. and Breidenthal, R.E. “Jet detrainment at a stratified interface,” Journal of Geophysical Research, 102(D20), 23813-23818, 1997.

Cotel, A.J. and Breidenthal, R.E. “A model of vortex persistence effects in stratified entrainment,” Applied Scientific Research, 57, 349-366, 1997.

Referred Conference Proceedings

Reddivari, S., Dryer, E., Rimer, S. and Cotel, A. “Towards a global virtual community of female engineering students and professionals: I. Impacts of grassroots international partnerships of student organizations on U.S. engineering undergraduate cultural competency”, ASEE 123rd Annual Conference and Exposition, New Orleans, June 2016.

Rimer, S., Reddivari, S., Dryer, E. and Cotel, A. “Towards a global virtual community of female engineering students and professionals: II. Impacts of leadership camp on Liberian undergraduate women studying engineering”, ASEE 123rd Annual Conference and Exposition, New Orleans, June 2016.

Demond, A.H., Cotel, A.J. and Abu-Dalo, M. “Building a Critical Mass of Women for Water Resources Initiatives”, 2014 ASCE-EWRI World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, Portland, OR.

Lei, J., Cotel, A.J. and Demond, A.H. “Mixing between Water and Biofuels”, 2014 ASCE-EWRI World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, Portland, OR.

Cotel, A.J. and Demond, A.H. “Implementation of the Women-Water Nexus Vision”, ASCE-EWRI World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, Albuquerque, 2012.

Cotel, A.J. and Webb, P.W. “A new framework for fish-eddy interactions,” 8th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, Seoul, Koreas, 2010.

Webb, P.W. and Cotel, A. J. “Vorticity: a neglected factor in the ecology of fishes.” 8th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics (ISE 2010), September 12-16, 2010, Seoul, Korea.

Cotel, A.J. and Webb, P.W. “A theoretical framework for fish-eddy interactions,” ASCE Ecohydraulics conference, Vancouver 2009.

Cotel, A.J., Webb, P.W. and Meadows, L.A. “The effects of Unsteady Flow on the Shoreline of Les Cheneaux Islands”, Inaugural International Mechanics Institute (EM08) Conference, St Anthony Falls Laboratory, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, May 2008.

Webb, P.W., Cotel A.J. and Meadows, L.A. “Do differences in wetland patches affect damping of waves?” Inaugural International Mechanics Institute (EM08) Conference, St Anthony Falls Laboratory, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, May 2008.

Cotel, A.J., Aphale, C. and Schultz, W.W. “Modeling of swirling axisymmetric heated jets,” Congres Francais de Mecanique, Grenoble, France, August 2007.

Tritico H.M., Webb P.W., Cotel A.J. “The Role of Turbulent Eddies in Fish Swimming Ability: From Point Measurements to Flow Structures”, International Ecohydraulics Conference, Christchurch, NZ, February 2007.

Samothrakis, P. and Cotel, A.J. “The effect of slope on entrainment and dynamics of a sloping gravity current impinging on a stratified interface.” International Symposium on Stratified Flows, Perth, Australia, Dec. 7-9, 2006.

Varodompum, J., Cotel, A. and Navvab, M. “Indoor Air Quality, Thermal Comfort, and Humidity control of Impinging Jet Ventilation,” 4th European Conference on Energy Performance & Indoor Climate in Buildings, Lyon, France, Nov. 29-Dec. 1, 2006.

Mehta, M., Renno, N.O., Huseman, P.G., Gulick, D.S. and Cotel, A.J. “Pulsed Retro-Rocket Plume-Ground Interaction Dynamics during Spacecraft Descent on Mars,” NASA-JPL Interplanetary Probe Workshop Proceedings, August 2006.

Cotel, A., Gooden, A., Meadows, L., Tritico H. and Webb. P., “The effects of Unsteady Flow on the Shoreline of Les Cheneaux Islands,” International Association for Great Lakes Research annual conference, Windsor, Canada, May 2006.

Cotel, A.J., Webb, P. W. and Tritico, H. “To be in turbulence or not – fish habitat selection,” 48th Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research of the International Association of Great Lakes Research, Ann Arbor, MI, May 2005.

Cotel, A.J. and Webb, P. “Why do fish wobble?” Invited paper, 17th Engineering Mechanics Conference of the American Society of Civil Engineers, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, June 2004.

Samothrakis, P. and Cotel, A.J. “Gravity current impinging on a stratified interface,” 17th Engineering Mechanics conference of the American Society of Civil Engineers, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, June 2004.

Samothrakis, P. and Cotel, A.J. “Gravity current impinging on a stratified interface,” 30th International Congress of the International Association of Hydraulic Research, Thessaloniki, Greece, August 2003.

Cotel, A.J., Zhang, Q. and Kraemar, D. “Laboratory simulation of a thermal impinging on a stratified interface,” Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Flow Visualization, Edinburgh, Scotland, August 2000.

Cotel, A.J. and Kraemar, D. “Mixing due to a thermal impinging on a stratified interface,” Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Stratified Flows, Vancouver, Canada, July 2000.

Cotel, A.J. “Potential explosions at radioactive storage sites: an analogy to the Lake Nyos disaster,” Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Stratified Flows, Vancouver, Canada, July 2000.

Cotel, A.J. and Breidenthal, R.E. “A new parameter for surface fluxes discovered from flow visualization,” Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Flow Visualization, Sorrento, Italy, September 1998.

Cotel, A.J. and Breidenthal, R.E. “A new model for drag reduction,” International Symposium on Seawater Drag Reduction, Surface Warfare Officers School, Newport, RI, July 1998.

Cotel, A.J. and Breidenthal, R.E. “A model of stratified entrainment and vortex persistence,” IUTAM/IUGG Symposium: Developments in Geophysical Turbulence, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, June 1998, selected to be published in the Proceedings.

Shekarriz, A., Cotel, A.J, and Eriksen, T.L. “Experimental study of flat plate boundary-layer in a yield-pseudoplastic fluid using Particle Image Velocimetry,” First Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing, Honolulu, HI, February 1997.

Cotel, A.J. “The effect of Schmidt number on stratified entrainment,” Invited paper, Proceedings of NATO Advanced Study Workshop on Mixing, Turbulence and Chaos, Cargese, France, July 1996.

Cotel, A.J. and Breidenthal, R.E. “Vortex persistence: A new parameter for vortices near interfaces,” Proceedings of the 6th European Turbulence Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, July 1996.

Cotel, A.J. and Breidenthal, R.E. “Laboratory experiments of a jet impinging on a stratified interface,” Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Flow Visualization, Seattle, WA, September 1995.

Cotel, A.J. and Breidenthal, R.E. “Persistence theory of stratified entrainment,” Fourth International Symposium on Stratified Flows Preprints, Grenoble, France, June 1994.