2021 Lab News Archive

December 2021

The lab's collaborative paper with Prof. Erill was highlighted by UMBC News! Read the report here!

Both Alexander and Misti have passed their literature reviews and are on their way to candidacy! Way to go you two!!

The lab is pleased to welcome two new undergraduate researchers Noah Diaz Cruz and Toluwani Akinselure.

October 2021

The lab welcomes rotation student Kushani Mendis!

Mark has passed his candidacy! WAY TO GO!!

Janae and Mark's recent paper was just published in Biochemistry! Read the paper here.

Aaron recently gave talks at Cornell University's Dept. of Microbiology, UMBC's Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry, and the Cell Biology of Metals GRC.

September 2021

Alex and Janae's collaborative paper with the Deredge and Garcin labs is now out at bioRxiv! Read the paper here.

Verna gave a fantastic student seminar for the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Dept. at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. Way to go!!

August 2021

Our collaborative paper with Profs. Barbe and Erill was just accepted for publication in Nucleic Acids Research! Read the paper here.

Misti was awarded an NIGMS supplement to support her graduate studies. Congrats!!

July 2021

Alexander and Misti both passed their lab prospectuses! WAY TO GO, YOU TWO!

June 2021

The lab is pleased to welcome new undergraduate researcher Chioma Iheacho!

May 2021

Congratulations to undergraduate Emeka Ejimogu on receiving a URA and becoming a 2021-2022 URA scholar!

The lab bids a hearfelt adieu to graduating Smith Lab undergraduates Sean and Toan. You will be missed!

The lab hosted Prof. Oriana Fisher of Lehigh University for a "virtual" visit!

Verna and Emeka both participated in FCBIS 13, and Aaron gave a talk at FCBIS 13.

Aaron gave a seminar at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy!

April 2021

Verna and Emeka both participated in Experimental Biology 2021, hosted by ASBMB!

Verna's collaborative paper with the Span, Chacón, and Szalai labs was just posted at bioRxiv! Read the paper here.

Aaron gave a seminar at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Chemistry!

Undergrad Sean O'Sullivan was awarded the Donald J. Creighton scholarship award. Way to go, Sean!

Toan and Sean both participated in URCAD 25. Way to go, you two!

March 2021

Mark received the pre-candidacy research award at the 4th annual Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry Graduate Research Day! Congratulations!

The lab hosted Prof. David Giedroc of Indiana University for a "virtual" visit!

February 2021

Tim's paper was accepted in J. Inorg. Biochem.! Congratulations! Read the paper here!