Eta Carinae

John Martin's Eta Carinae Research

This is a description of my research on Eta Carinae. To learn about Eta Carinae itself visit the site:


From 2003-2006 I was employed as a post-doctoral research associate working for the Hubble Space Eta Carinae Treasury Project under the direction of it's principle investigator (PI) Kris Davidson. In brief, the project is a coordinated effort to take multi-wavelength observations of the unique super-giant star Eta Carinae as it goes through it's 5.5 year spectroscopic cycle. The observing campaign includes an extensive campaign of observations with the Hubble Space Telescope STIS Spectrograph.

There are two sub-projects which I was heavily involved with as a post-doc:

  1. Writing software to improve the spacial resolution of the HST STIS.

  2. Measuring changes in brightness of the inner part of the Eta Carinae Nebula

I am also responsible for some of the book-keeping and other sundry things to do with the Treasury Project database. Here are some related items without any other home: