
Complete publication list on PubMed | Citation metrics on Google Scholar

Research articles

Contributions from members of the Naba lab are in bold

#Equal contribution; *Co-corresponding authors

> Press coverage:

> Read the MIT News coverage

> Received the “Highly Accessed” designation by BMC Cancer

> Read the F1000 recommendation of this article.

> Read the F1000 recommendation of this article.

> Read the MIT News coverage

> Read the F1000 recommendation of this article.

> Received the “Highly Accessed” designation by BMC Cancer

Reviews and book chapters

> Press coverage:

> Read the review of the book "Extracellular Matrix Biology" by Dr. Charles Streuli in Development.


Cancer-related extracellular matrix signatures and related methods and products. Hynes R.O, Naba A, Carr S.A, Clauser K.R, and Tanabe K.K. Issued December 27, 2016 under the U.S. Patent No. 9,526,800 (colorectal cancer). Divisional application issued July 17, 2018 under the U.S. Patent No. 10,024,860 (breast cancer).
