You have questions? We have answers!

How is the School of Biological Sciences Peer Tutoring different from LARC tutoring?

Bio Sci Peer Tutoring has an open-door policy; you do not need to register to attend any tutoring sessions. In other words, anytime you would like to go to a peer tutor’s tutoring sessions, you are more than welcome to do so! The same goes for our peer tutor’s midterm and final reviews. All of our services are FREE: 4-10 hours of tutoring weekly per class (varies by class) and 2-hour review sessions before each exam.

LARC’s small-group tutorial sessions meet with tutors twice per week to stay up-to-date on course material. In addition, LARC tutors host exam review sessions for their tutees. Registration is required, and there is a fee ($100 per quarter) for LARC tutorials that encourages regular attendance and pays the tutor’s salary. Scholarships via Student Support Services are available for eligible students. Both tutoring services are excellent ways for students to get help studying for their classes (many students enroll in LARC and also attend Bio Sci Peer Tutoring for some of the same courses).

What exactly goes on in a tutoring session?

Each tutor creates and goes over weekly worksheets based on lecture material with their tutees. The exact style is up to each tutor. You are welcome to ask questions on specific topics.

What should I do before coming to tutoring sessions?

It might help if you were to review the week’s lecture material and attempt to fill out the tutor’s worksheet beforehand, but it is certainly not required at all. Just make sure to bring any questions you may have and our tutors will be more than happy to help you out.

Will worksheet keys be posted online?

Answers to a tutor’s worksheet are usually NOT posted on the website to reward those who attend office hours, but this will vary depending on the tutor. Ask a friend who you know attended the tutor’s office hour!

Suppose it is week 4 of the quarter. Can I still attend a peer tutor’s tutoring session even if I haven’t been to one in previous weeks?

Yes! It is up to you to decide if you want to attend a tutor’s tutoring session, regardless of the week in the quarter. For that matter, you don't have to go to the same tutor if you don't want to, you can go to as many different tutors for your class as you like, as few or as many times as you want.

I haven’t been to a tutor’s tutoring session but would like to attend his/her midterm and final reviews. Is that OK?

Yes! It is up to you to decide if you want to attend someone's tutoring session or midterm and final reviews, regardless of the week in the quarter.

What are the qualifications to be a Peer Tutor? How can I apply?

Our minimum requirements: 3.3 Biological Sciences GPA, 3.0 Physical Sciences GPA, 3.3 Cumulative GPA, A or A- in the class you wish to tutor for. Applications usually open on EEE around Week 6 the preceding quarter, keep an eye on the website or around campus for flyers. Our spots are competitive. If you are not accepted, you are welcome to apply again next quarter!

Who should I ask for other questions?

Please contact one of the tutors for the class you are taking. You may also contact the Bio Peer Tutoring Coordinators: