Вітаємо вас до Української Студентської Спілки!

Welcome to the Ukrainian Students' Society!

We are the Ukrainian Students' Society, a University of Alberta student group dedicated to promoting Ukrainian culture on campus. We offer you a chance to fall in love with Ukrainian culture and language, if you haven't done so yet! Not Ukrainian - no problem! Our club has an open membership for anyone interested in experiencing and learning about all things Ukrainian in a fun and inclusive environment!

Read more about who we are and what we can offer in the Executive Team and Events webpages.

Тут ви знайдете близьких вам по душі і серці людей і матимете нагоду навести нові знайомства, почути рідну мову, поспілкуватися на різноманітні теми, поділитися останніми новинами, ну і звичайно погуляти на славу ;). В новому навчальному році на нас чекає багато пригод так що залишайтеся з нами і частіше заглядайте на нашу сторіночку.

We acknowledge that we are located on Treaty 6 territory—the traditional and ancestral territory of the Cree, Dene, Blackfoot, Saulteaux, and Nakota Sioux. We acknowledge that this territory is home to the Métis Settlements and the Métis Nation of Alberta, Regions 2, 3, and 4 within the historical Northwest Métis Homeland.

We have created a Linktree to compile resources and testimonials for year-round Holodomor awareness and education, information regarding Russian Aggression in Ukraine, and general updates on our club.


Painting by Larisa Sembaliuk Cheladyn

Commissioned by the Veselka Ukrainian Dancers - Edmonton

Painting by Valeriy Semenko

The Ukrainian Students' Society is a proud member of the Ukrainian Canadian Students' Union (SUSK) and receives continuous support from both the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies (CIUS) at the University of Alberta and Ukrainian Canadian Congress- Alberta Provincial Council (UCC-APC).