Edmonton Crusaders Marching Band

Crusaders Bio.pdf

Crusaders Donation

 April 10, 2022:  Tom Dust receives a cheque for $15,000 to support the University of Alberta Marching Band, presented by Harold Hornig (L) and Rob Agostinis (R) on behalf of the Crusaders Marching Band.  This generous donation will help ensure the continued success of the University of Alberta Marching Band for the 2022 and future marching seasons.

The University of Alberta Marching Band is honored to embrace and continue the ideals of inclusivity and high standards for music and marching as espoused by the Edmonton Crusaders Marching Band from 1974 to 2005.  The generous support of the Crusaders' organization is appreciated by Dr. Dust and all members of the University of Alberta Marching Band.