Research Output

To appear

Nakayama, T. and T. Ono. Toward understanding Ikema grammar through conversation.

Suzuki, R. and T. Ono. Ninchikeitairon. [Cognitive morphology].


Ono, T. R. Laury and R. Suzuki. eds. Usage-based and typological approaches to linguistic units. Studies in Language.

Laury, R., T. Ono and R. Suzuki. Questioning the clause as a crosslinguistic unit in grammar and interaction. Studies in Language.

Ono, T., R. Laury and R. Suzuki. Assessing the notion of unit in the study of human language. Studies in Language.

Li, X. and T. Ono. eds. Multimodality in Chinese Interaction. Mouton.

Li, X. Multimodal Turn Construction in Mandarin Conversation. In X. Li & T. Ono eds., Multimodality in Chinese Interaction. Mouton.

Li, X. Researching Multimodal Chinese Interaction: A methodological account. In X. Li & T. Ono eds., Multimodality in Chinese Interaction. Mouton.

Li, X. and T. Ono. Introduction: A multimodal approach to Chinese Interaction. In X. Li & T. Ono eds.Multimodality in Chinese Interaction. Mouton.


Daiju, S. and T. Ono. Studying Japanese distal demonstrative ‘are’ using video corpus. Proceedings of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference 2018 Workshop “LB- ILR2018 and MMC2018 Joint Workshop”: 47-50.

Ono, T. and R. Suzuki. The use of frequent verbs as reactive tokens in Japanese everyday talk: Formulaicity, florescence, and grammaticization. Journal of Pragmatics 123: 209-219.


Ono, T. and T. Nakayama. Bunpoo shisutemu saikoo: hanashi koto ba ni motozuku bunpoo kenkyuu ni mukete [A reconsideration of the grammatical system]. Hanashi kotoba e no apuroochi [Approaches to spoken language]. Hituzi.

Ono, T. and R. Suzuki. Intorodakushon [Introduction]. Rironhen [Theory]. Hanashi kotoba e no apuroochi [Approaches to spoken language]. Hituzi.

Ono, T. and S. Thompson. Negative scope, temporality, and clause structure in Japanese and English conversation. Studies in Language 41.3: 543-576.

Daiju, S. Not saying exactly what it is is sometimes good enough: the unspecified use of demonstrative are in Japanese everyday talk. Proceedings of the Canadian Association of Japanese Language Education 2017. 44-52.


Li, X. Researching Body Movement and Interaction in Education. In K. King & Y.-J. Lai (eds.) Encyclopedia of Language and Education 3rd edition, Vol. 10 Research Methods. Springer: Berlin/New York.

Li, X. Some Interactional Uses of Syntactically Incomplete Turns in Mandarin Conversation. Special issue on “Doing CA in Mandarin Chinese”. Chinese Language and Discourse 7:2.

Li, X. Some Discourse-Interactional Uses of yinwei ‘because’ in Mandarin Conversation. Special issue on “Adverbial Patterns in Interaction”, Language Sciences 58:51-78.


Kabata, K. and T. Ono, eds. Usage-Based Approaches to Japanese Grammar. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Laury, R. and T. Ono. The limits of grammar: Clause combining in Finnish and Japanese conversation, Pragmatics 24.3: 561-92.

Li, X. Multimodality, Interaction and Turn-taking in Mandarin Conversation. John Benjamins: Amsterdam/Philadelphia. (Review by Qiong Li in LinguistList 2015; by Erin Franklin, Language in Society 45: 784-785, 2016; by Xia Liu, Discourse Studies 18(6), 2016)

Li, X. Leaning and Recipient Intervening Questions in Mandarin Conversation. Journal of Pragmatics 67:34-60.

Ono, T. and R. Suzuki. Situating Usage-Based (Japanese) Linguistics. In K. Kabata and T. Ono, eds., Functional Approaches to Japanese Grammar: Toward the Understanding of Human Language. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 1-10.


Li, X. Language and the Body in the Construction of Units in Mandarin Face-to-Face Interaction. In B. Szczepek Reed & G. Raymond eds., Units of Talk―Units of Action, 343-375. John Benjamins: Amsterdam/Philadelphia.

Nakayama, T. and T. Ono. Having a shinshii/shiishii ‘master’ around makes you speak Japanese!: Inadvertent contextualization in gathering Ikema data. Responses to Language Endangerment. In honor of Mickey Noonan, by Mihas, Elena, Bernard Perley, Gabriel Rei-Doval and Kathleen Wheatley eds., Amsterdam: Benjamins. 141–156.

Iwasaki, S. and T. Ono. Miyako Ikema Hoogen ni okeru Gengo Suitai Katei no Koosatsu: Washa no Taikendan wo Tooshite [Observation on the Declining Process of Ikema Ryukyuan: Through Life Narratives]. In Y. Takubo, ed., Ryuukyuu Rettoo no Gengo to Bunka no Kiroku to Keishoo [Documentation and Maintenance of the Languages and Cultures of the Ryukyus]. Tokyo: Kurosio. 109-126.


Ono, T., S. Thompson, and K.K. Luke, eds. Cross-Linguistic, Multi-Modal, and Grammaticization Perspectives on Turn Continuation in Conversation, Discourse Processes 49:3-4.

Ono, T., S. Thompson, and Y. Sasaki. Japanese Negotiation Through Emerging Final Particles in Everyday Talk. Discourse Processes 49:243-272.

Luke, K.K., S. Thompson, and T. Ono. Turns and Increments: A Comparative Perspective. Discourse Processes 49:155-162.

Iwasaki, S. and T. Ono. Ikema Ryukyuan: Investigating Past Experience and the Current State through Life Narratives. Japanese/Korean Linguistics 19. Chicago: CSLI. 351-364.


Ono, T. and R. Suzuki. Danwa Kinoo Gengogaku no Shintenkai [New Developments in Discourse Functional Linguistics]. Nihongogaku [Japanese Language Studies]. 180-189.

Cumming, S., T. Ono, and R. Laury. Discourse, Grammar, and Interaction. In T. A. van Dijk, ed., Discourse: A Multidisciplinary Introduction. London: Sage. 8-36.

Ono, T. The Actual Status of So-called Particle Ellipsis in Japanese: Evidence from Conversation, Acquisition, Diachrony, and Contact. In S. Rice and J. Newman, eds., Experimental and Empirical Methods. Chicago: CSLI. 180-189.


Laury, R. and T. Ono. Recursion in Conversation: What Speakers of Finnish and Japanese Know How to Do. In H. van der Hulst, ed., Recursion and Human Language. Mouton. 69-91.

Li, X. Reflections on Units in Talk-in-Interaction. Gesprächsforschung Online-Zeitschrift zur verbalen Interaktion 11:274-282.


Ono, T. and S.Thompson. Fixedness in Japanese Adjectives in Conversation:Toward a New Understanding of a Lexical (‘Part-of-Speech’) Category. In R.Corrigan, E.Moravcsik, H.Ouali & K.Wheatley, eds., Formulaic Language. Amsterdam:Benjamins.117-45.

Kawada, T., Y. Hayashi, S. Iwasaki, and T. Ono. Ryukyugo Miyako Ikema Hoogen ni okeru mmya [The Discourse Function of mmya in the Ikema Dialect of the Ryukyuan Language]. In R. Shibasaki, ed., Ryukyu Okinawa no Bunka Tayoosei: Seitai, Ninchi, Gengo [The Cultural Diversity of the Ryukyus/Okinawa: Ecology, Cognition, Language]. Itoman, Okinawa: Bunshin Insatsu. 111-130.

Thompson, S. and T. Ono. Toward a Conversation-Centered Understanding of Human Language: Goals, Assumptions, Recent Findings, and Future Directions. Japanese/Korean Linguistics 17. Chicago: CSLI. 95-115.

Ono, T. and R. Krekoski. A Corpus-Based Look at Japanese Giving/Receiving Verbs ageru, kureru, and morau. In Y. Takubo, T. Kinuhata, S. Grzelak & K. Nagai, eds., Japanese/Korean Linguistics 16. Chicago: CSLI. 319-328.


Jones, K. and T. Ono, eds. Style Shifting in Japanese. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Okamoto, S. and T. Ono. Quotative -tte in Japanese: Its Multifaceted Functions and Degrees of “Subordination”. In R. Laury, ed., Crosslinguistic Studies in Clause Combining: The Multifunctionality of Conjunctions. Typological Studies in Language series. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 205-230.

Jones, K. and T. Ono. The Messy Reality of Style Shifting. In K. Jones & T. Ono, eds., Style Shifting in Japanese. Amsterdam: Benjaimins. 1-7.

Ono, T. and K. Jones. Conversation and Grammar: Approaching So-called Conditionals in Japanese. In J. Mori & A. Ohta, eds., Japanese Applied Linguistics: Discourse and Social Perspectives. London: Continuum International. 21-51.


Couper-Kuhlen, E. and T. Ono, eds. Turn Continuation in Cross-Linguistic Perspective, Pragmatics 17:4.

Ono, T. and E. Couper-Kuhlen. Increments in Cross-Linguistic Perspective: Introductory Remarks. In E. Couper-Kuhlen & T. Ono, eds., Turn Continuation in Cross-Linguistic Perspective. Pragmatics 17:505-512.

Couper-Kuhlen, E. and T. Ono. 'Incrementing' in Conversation: A Comparison of Practices in English, German and Japanese. In E. Couper-Kuhlen & T. Ono, eds., Turn Continuation in Cross-Linguistic Perspective. Pragmatics 17:513-552.

Iwasaki, S. and T. Ono. 'Sokujibun' to 'Hisokujibun': Gengogaku no Hoohooron to Kiseigainen ['Spontaneous Sentence' and 'Processed Sentence': Methodology and Categories in Linguistics]. In S. Kushida, T. Sadanobu, & Y. Den, eds., Bun to Hatsuwa [Sentence and Utterance]. Tokyo: Hituzi Syobo. 135-157.

Iwasaki, S. and T. Ono. Kaiwakenkyuuu kara Kizukareru Bunpoo no Sekai [The World of Grammar based on Study of Conversation]. Gengo [Language] 36.3: 24-29.