

Tsuyoshi Ono

Associate Director

Xiaoting Li

Graduate Students

Keisuke Harada

Minako Noda (Lab Associate)

Xinlei Yang

Technical Advisor

Shinya Kataoka (Edmonton)

Longlu Qin (Toronto)

Former Students

Yuji Abe (NorQuest College; University of Alberta)

2009 Combining clauses by native and non-native speakers of Japanese

Saori Daiju

2018 The Unspecified Use of Demonstrative are in Japanese Everyday Talk

Yue Guan (Peking University, postdoc)

2019 Collaborations in Grammatical Structure and Multimodal Behaviors in Chinese Conversation

Yukiko Isaka (University of Alberta)

2010 Using plain forms but still being polite: speech style shifting as an interactional phenomenon in Japanese native and non-native talk.

Ross Krekoski (University nuhelot’įne thaiyots’į nistameyimâkanak Blue Quills)

2008 Utterances and Coherence: A Study of Japanese Conversation

Yukari Meldrum (professional translator)

2009 Contemporary translationese in Japanese popular literature

Tetsuya Miyaguchi

2017 V na (sa) soo da: A survey-based study of evidential 'variants' in Japanese

Tomoka Miyamoto

2014 From karuto or "cult" to the mainstream: The reconstruction of public Images by a Japanese religious group

Minako Noda (University of Alberta)

2020 How the Japanese "Contrastive" kedo is Structured and Used in Everyday Conversation

Chiho Ogawa (Cultural Connections Institute - The Learning Exchange)

2020 The Vitality of the Ikema Dialect of Miyako Ryukyuan

Longlu Qin (Stanford University, Ph.D. program)

2012 A conversational study of the particle ne in Mandarin Chinese

Peng Qiu (University of Calgary, MA program)

2014 A Preliminary Investigation of Yilan Creole in Taiwan: Discussing predicate position in Yilan Creole

Yumi Sasaki (University of Alberta)

2009 The mutlifunctionality of the Japanese connective dakara and diachrony

Jenna Smith (Canadian Western Bank)

2013 Style shifting in Japanese native/non-native conversation: an in-depth analysis of short/ long form usage

Honoka Takei (University of Alberta)

2016 An Investigation of Direct Object Coding System in Ikema dialect of Miyako

Kanza Tariq (University of Toronto, Ph.D. program)

2018 The ‘Fuzzy’ Boundary Between Two Types of Japanese Adjectives

Neill Walker (College of Business and Communication)

2010 Recipient response behaviour during Japanese storytelling: A combined quantitative/multimodal approach

Former Assistants

Catherine Ford

Yukie Mochizuki

Thomas Saunders