DDC Thousands Translation Table

I have now translated the “DDC Thousands” or each full three-digit integer in the DDC system into BCC notation. This translation exercise indicates that the BCC can potentially handle the full range of works held in libraries. Of course, the greatest challenges in classification likely come with the more detailed entries which in DDC involve further digits after the decimal point. The experience with classes 300 through 347 suggests that these are often handled readily through further combinations or subdivision.

The translation of the DDC Thousands was very straightforward. There were a mere handful of entries where it was not clear how to proceed.

We reflect the hierarchy of DDC by reporting these translations 100 at a time:

DDC Thousands 000 - 099

DDC Thousands 100 - 199

DDC Thousands 200 - 299

DDC Thousands 300 - 399

DDC Thousands 400 - 499

DDC Thousands 500 - 599

DDC Thousands 600 - 699

DDC Thousands 700 - 799

DDC Thousands 800 - 899

DDC Thousands 900 - 999