DDC Thousands 300 - 399

Note: Sections 300 through 346.096 are dealt with in more detail elsewhere on this website. See DDC to BCC Translation Table Web Version 2013

347 Civil procedure & courts PI2h (PC) – PI3; PI2h (PC)

348 Laws, regulations & cases PI3a; k; e

349 Law of specific jurisdictions & areas PI3a > N1yyy

350 Public administration & military science PI2f; TF (PI5a)

351 Public administration PI2f

352 General considerations of public administration PI2f

353 Specific fields of public administration PI2f (Specify field)

354 Administration of economy & environment PI2f (E); PI2f (N)

355 Military science TF (PI5a)

356 Infantry forces & warfare PI5a ^ GA7 [walking] ; ↔rxgm

357 Mounted forces & warfare PI5a ^ B [horses] ; ↔rxgm

358 Air & other specialized forces PI5a ^ N5 ; ↔rxgm

359 Sea forces & warfare PI5a ^ N3 ; ↔rxgm

360 Social problems & services; associations PI4 (SOC5)

361 Social problems & social welfare in general SOC5; →rp SOC5 [Providing funding to disadvantaged; other problems such as crime or addiction would receive separate designation.]

362 Social welfare problems & services PI2f (SOC5)

363 Other social problems & services Specify these.

364 Criminology TF (PC)

365 Penal & related institutions PI5d

366 Associations PI4

367 General clubs PI4 (GM0)

368 Insurance PI4 (EI5g)

369 Miscellaneous kinds of associations PI4 (specify)

370 Education PE

371 Schools & their activities; special education PE→; PE \ II(QC6)

372 Elementary education PE5

373 Secondary education PE3

374 Adult education PE \ SA6

375 Curricula PE – PI3g

376 [Unassigned]

377 [Unassigned]

378 Higher education PE1; PE2

379 Public policy issues in education PI2a PE

380 Commerce, communications & transportation EI3; NB5f rt; NB5gm

381 Commerce EI3

382 International commerce EI4

383 Postal communication EO9781022

384 Communications; telecommunication EO98311

385 Railroad transportation EO9781016 [Unfortunately UNSPC separates cargo from passenger transport; this is cargo; 781116 is passenger] can add or link to gm

386 Inland waterway & ferry transportation EO978111707 is ferry; there are multiple codes for different types of water transport; can add or link to gm

387 Water, air & space transportation water EO9781117 can add or link to gm; air EO9781115 can add or link to gm ; space EO9781119 can add or link to gm

388 Transportation; ground transportation EO9781118 can add or link to gm

389 Metrology & standardization TF (TM0b)

390 Customs, etiquette & folklore C

391 Costume & personal appearance CE5

392 Customs of life cycle & domestic life CV4

393 Death customs CE1 ^ HM [rituals associated with death]

394 General customs CE

395 Etiquette (Manners) CV4b

396 [Unassigned]

397 [Unassigned]

398 Folklore CS

399 Customs of war & diplomacy C ^ ↔rxgm; C ^ PI1 ↔rt PI1