DDC Thousands 000 - 099

Note: Some sections of class 000 are dealt with in more detail elsewhere on this website. See DDC 001 to 025.213

000 Computer science, information & general works: TF8d for computer science; others too vague

001 Knowledge T

002 The book T4

003 Systems This class mixes works on method (mathematical modeling of systems, T4) and theory (TT Cutter Sys), and descriptions of real world systems (which are best classified in terms of the key causal links involved). Again most work on systems is classified within disciplines. With respect to theory types, systems theories can embrace all types of agents, both actions and attitudes (though actions are more common), all types of decision-making (though rational is most common); new equilibria and nomothetic are common characteristics. We will have an entry for systems in class X.

004 Data processing & computer science it / EO9432115 [Data processing is analysis by computer.]; TF8d

005 Computer programming, programs & data gc T7v; T7v

006 Special computer methods TM \ EO9432115

007 [Unassigned]

008 [Unassigned]

009 [Unassigned]

010 Bibliography T4c. Note that very few works should be classed here: works about how to compile bibliographies would be T4c – TM0. Actual bibliographies will be classed with the subject under study. <various> – T4c. Bibliographies of bibliographies on a range of subjects would be classed as T4c – T4c. Another possibility is →gc T4c [creating bibliographies]

011 Bibliographies Bibliographies of bibliographies on a range of subjects would be classed as T4c – T4c. Bibliographies of encyclopaedias would be T4a – T4c. Bibliographies of general knowledge or diverse topics are T – T4c. All other bibliographies will be classed under their subject(s), with the notation – T4c. In particular, bibliographies of works in particular languages will be classed as <language> – T4c.

012 Bibliographies of individuals Iyyy – T4c; for a group SC1f yyy – T4c [Note need not code for ‘works of’ as this would be redundant.]

013 [Unassigned]

014 Of anonymous & pseudonymous works T4 (QB6) – T4c

015 Bibliographies of works from specific places T4 (N1 yyy) – T4c

016 Bibliographies of works on specific subjects will be classed as T4 (<phenomenon(a) or TF yyy>) – T4c.

017 General subject catalogs General works at T8c Catalogues from particular libraries use Cutter numbers for the name of library: T8c (Cutter)

018 Catalogs arranged by author, date, etc. T8c (TM9)

019 Dictionary catalogs T8c (T4b)

020 Library & information sciences TF4

021 Library relationships Linked notation using T8 or subdivisions thereof.

022 Administration of physical plant Various linked notations

023 Personnel management Various linked notations T8 ← rs

Note: 023.7 job descriptions, and parts of 023.9 (manuals, rules, codes) will be captured as <occupation> -- PI3d

024 [Unassigned]

025 Library operations T8

026 Libraries for specific subjects T8 (yyy)

027 General libraries T8

028 Reading & use of other information media GA6a

029 [Unassigned]

030 General encyclopedic works T4a

031 Encyclopedias in American English T4a ^ CL1en(N1bn)

032 Encyclopedias in English T4a ^ CL1en

033 In other Germanic languages T4a ^ CL1de

034 Encyclopedias in French, Occitan & Catalan T4a ^ CL1fr, oc, or ca

035 In Italian, Romanian & related languages T4a ^ CL1it, ro, or specify

036 Encyclopedias in Spanish & Portuguese T4a ^ CL1es or pt

037 Encyclopedias in Slavic languages T4a ^ CL1 (N1be (N3e or Cutter))

038 Encyclopedias in Scandinavian languages T4a ^ CL1 (N1be (N3n or Cutter))

039 Encyclopedias in other languages T4a ^ CL1yyy [Note: we would specify all languages, rather than privilege European languages.]

040 [Unassigned]

041 [Unassigned]

042 [Unassigned]

043 [Unassigned]

044 [Unassigned]

045 [Unassigned]

046 [Unassigned]

047 [Unassigned]

048 [Unassigned]

049 [Unassigned]

050 General serial publications T4h

051 Serials in American English T4h ^ CL1en ^ N1bn

052 Serials in English T4h ^ CL1en

053 Serials in other Germanic languages T4h ^ CL1 specify

054 Serials in French, Occitan & Catalan T4h ^ CL1fr, oc, or ca

055 In Italian, Romanian & related languages T4h ^ CL1it, ro or specify

056 Serials in Spanish & Portuguese T4h ^ CL1xxx

057 Serials in Slavic languages T4h ^ CL1 (N1be (N3e or Cutter))

058 Serials in Scandinavian languages T4h ^ CL1 (N1be (N3n or Cutter))

059 Serials in other languages T4h ^ CL1yyy [Note: we would specify all languages, rather than privilege European languages.]

060 General organizations & museum science PI4 (TF (T6)) [Organizations for museum science]

061 Organizations in North America PI4 (TF (T6)) > N1bn

062 Organizations in British Isles; in England PI4 (TF (T6)) > N1cgb or ei

063 Organizations in central Europe; in Germany PI4 (TF (T6)) > N1cde or N1be (N3c)

064 Organizations in France & Monaco PI4 (TF (T6)) > N1cfr

065 Organizations in Italy & adjacent islands PI4 (TF (T6)) > N1cit

066 In Iberian Peninsula & adjacent islands PI4 (TF (T6)) > N1ces or pt

067 Organizations in eastern Europe; in Russia PI4 (TF (T6)) > N1cru or N1be (N3e)

068 Organizations in other geographic areas PI4 (TF (T6)) > N1bxxx [Note; again these would be specified rather than privileging Europe.]

069 Museum science Tf (T6)

070 News media, journalism & publishing EO9551

071 Newspapers in North America EO955101504 > N1bn

072 Newspapers in British Isles; in England EO955101504 > N1cgb

073 Newspapers in central Europe; in Germany EO955101504 > N1cde

074 Newspapers in France & Monaco EO955101504 > N1cfr

075 Newspapers in Italy & adjacent islands EO955101504 > N1cit

076 In Iberian Peninsula & adjacent islands EO955101504 > N1ces or pt

077 Newspapers in eastern Europe; in Russia EO955101504 > N1be (N3e)

078 Newspapers in Scandinavia EO955101504 > N1be (N3n or Cutter)

079 Newspapers in other geographic areas EO955101504 > N1byyy [regions to be specified]

080 General collections ΣT4

081 Collections in American English ΣT4 > CL1en (N1bn)

082 Collections in English ΣT4 > CL1en

083 Collections in other Germanic languages ΣT4 > CL1de or specify

084 Collections in French, Occitan & Catalan ΣT4 > CL1fr

085 In Italian, Romanian & related languages ΣT4 > CL1it or specify

086 Collections in Spanish & Portuguese ΣT4 > CL1es or pt

087 Collections in Slavic languages ΣT4 > CL1yyy (specify)

088 Collections in Scandinavian languages ΣT4 > CL1 (N1be (N3n or Cutter))

089 Collections in other languages ΣT4 > CL1yyy [to be specified]

090 Manuscripts & rare books T4m; T4 (QQ8)

091 Manuscripts T4m

092 Block books T4 (N5a)

093 Incunabula T4 (→gc T4) ^ N2j15

094 Printed books T4 (→gc T4) [Published book?]

095 Books notable for bindings T4 ^ →gh(QE3)

096 Books notable for illustrations T4 ^ T7p(QE3)

097 Books notable for ownership or origin T4 ^ EI1(QE3); T4 ^ gc(QE3)

098 Prohibited works, forgeries & hoaxes T4 (→ga); T4 (QI4)

099 Books notable for format T4 ^ T7(QE3)