DDC 001 to 025.213

001 Knowledge: T1 (sometimes with –TF1) [Note: Dewey classes here ‘discussions of ideas from many fields; since we do not organize by field we do not need such a generalia class to the same degree.]

001.01 Theory of Knowledge [Class with epistemology, philosophy of science. Again, since we do not class primarily by discipline we do not need this distinction.]

001.1 Intellectual life: T1 ↔ I or C (or vice versa) [That is, ‘intellectual life’ involves the way being an intellectual shapes or is shaped by culture or personality. Ideally works will be classed with respect to particular cultural or personality characteristics.]

001.2 Scholarship and Learning: T1; T1 – TF3

001.3 Humanities: TF6

001.4 Research: Statistical methods: Research is TM0; Statistical is TM5 [Note that Dewey codes most works on research or methods within separate disciplines.]

001.42 Research methods: TM, TM0, TM0a (scientific method)

001.422 Statistical methods: TM5

001.422 6 Presentation of Statistical Data: TM5 – TM0g

001.432 Historical Method: (Including case studies): TM0s (TF1) [That is, case studies as used in historical research; not history of case studies. Note that many works would be classified more precisely in terms of TM3 (TF1) oral history or TM8 (TF1) document-based historical research.]

001.433 Descriptive method: Includes collection of data (a practice which differs by method and thus is best classed by method; general works on data collection would be classed under TM0), field work (TM6), questionnaires, surveys (TM3)

001.434 Experiments: TM1

[Note that Dewey thus has no place for general works on some of the dozen methods, but does have a place for vague categories that lump together quite different types of research.]

001.44 Support of and incentives for research: TM0 ←; TM0 ←rp ; TM0 ← PE1 [Note that Dewey does not yet seem to have any general category for biases (see .96 just below). We could code biases as a result of financing as: →rp TM0e]

001.9 Controversial knowledge (including well-established phenomena for which explanations are controversial): Once again, this class is for interdisciplinary works; controversial knowledge concerning a particular discipline or subject is classed in disciplines. We thus do not need such a class in a phenomenon-based classification: works will be classified with respect to the relevant phenomenon. QB5 is Controversial.

001.94 Mysteries: Examples include Atlantis, Bermuda triangle, pyramid power.

TM0u [Class individual examples using Cutter numbers]

001.942: UFOs, human-alien encounters: UFOs will be TM0u (NN); ALFs will be TM0u (NF)

001.944 Monsters etc.: Likewise TM0u (NF)

001.95 Deceptions and Hoaxes: TM0h [Note: these works are best classified both under the subject of the hoax and as deliberate deceptions.]

001.96 Errors, Delusions, Superstitions: TM0e. Note that particular types of errors will be captured by links from other phenomena. Delusions and superstitions would reflect misguided schemas regarding causal relationships IH3 → TT

002 The book: This again is an interdisciplinary catch-all. We will class general works about books in T4

002.029 Commercial Miscellany: EI7 \ EO9

002.074: Museums, collections, exhibits: T6

003 Systems: This class mixes works on method (mathematical modeling of systems, T4) and theory (TT Cutter Sys), and descriptions of real world systems (which are best classified in terms of the key causal links involved). Again most work on systems is classified within disciplines. With respect to theory types, systems theories can embrace all types of agents, both actions and attitudes (though actions are more common), all types of decision-making (though rational is most common); new equilibria and nomothetic are common characteristics. We will have an entry for systems in class X.

003.1 System identification (developing a model by observing input-output relationships): TM4, TM4c. Perhaps TM4 ← TM0 for works on how to develop a model. Note that this entry is not really about systems.

003.2 Forecasting and forecasts: TM0f. Note: should also be classified in terms of what the forecast is about (as Dewey does only for social forecasts with special notation in 303.49) using linked notation.

003.209 Historical, geographical, persons treatment of forecasting: TM0f (TF1); TM0f (TF2); TM0f (I yyy)

003.3 Computer modeling and simulation: TM4a; Works on how computer technology have influenced modeling would be TM4 ← EO9432115

003.5 Theory of communication and control (in living and non-living systems):

rt – TT ; →rs – TT. Note that such works should be classified both in terms of theory (and theory type) and the subject: communication is →rt, control is →rs and is exercised in various places: in the workplace (→rs SO0), over robots (→rs EO9231532)

003.52 Perception theory: GA3 – TT Same comment as above.

003.54 Information theory: T – TT Same comment as above: In general this would be coded in terms of specific types of information. Measurement of information itself is TM0b, communication is →rt; coding is TM0c

003.56 Decision theory: GA4 – TT Same comment as above.

003.7 Kinds of Systems: These are best seen as types of mathematical models. Those coded in Dewey (plus others) are found in TM4

003.8 Systems distinguished in relation to time: Same comment as above. TM4 ~ N2

Skipped 004 to 006 on computers for now.

010 Bibliography: T4c. Note that very few works should be classed here: works about how to compile bibliographies would be T4c – TM0. Actual bibliographies will be classed with the subject under study. <various> – T4c. Bibliographies of bibliographies on a range of subjects would be classed as T4c – T4c

010.42 Analytical bibliography: Analysis of the structure of books (T4) and their bibliographic description (T4c). Historical works on bibliography: T4c – TF1

010.44 Systematic bibliography: How to prepare and compile: T4c – TM0

011 Bibliographies: Bibliographies of bibliographies on a range of subjects would be classed as T4c – T4c. Bibliographies of encyclopaedias would be T4a – T4c. Bibliographies of general knowledge or diverse topics are T – T4c. All other bibliographies will be classed under their subject(s), with the notation – T4c.

In particular, bibliographies of works in particular languages will be classed as <language> – T4c.

Bibliographies of musical scores will be classed as AR4a – T4c

Bibliographies of cartographic materials will be classed as T4d – T4c (and ideally also in terms of the region the maps reflect); of dissertations T4e – T4c

Bibliographies of manuscripts will be classed as TM8d – T4c; electronic resources as EO9432115 (computerized) – T4c; newspapers as EO9 55101504 – T4c; pamphlets as EO955101506 (magazines) – T4c; audiovisual materials as EO95511 – T4c ; works in series as T4h [paperbacks, incunabula?]

Bibliographies of works produced by various international organizations will be T4c / PI4a; by various governments T4c / PI2a. Dewey distinguishes by executive T4c / PI2c, legislative T4c / PI2b.

University presses, private, underground: EO9821218 ^ PE1 or EI1j or PI3l (unlicensed)

For young people, young males, young females, 12-20; persons with disabilities: T4c \ SA5 (SG1 or SG2); T4c \ SA4; T4c \ SD

For specific types of library: T4c \ T8 yyy

012 bibliographies of works by or about persons not clearly associated with a particular subject [class by place, time?]: For an individual, I yyy – T4c; for a group SC1f yyy – T4c [Note need not code for ‘works of’ as this would be redundant.]

014 bibliographies of anonymous or pseudonymous works: T4 (QB6) -- T4c

O15 bibliographiess of works from particular places: T4 (N1 yyy) – T4c

[Note need not code for ‘works of’ as this would be redundant.]

O16 Bibliographies of works on particular subjects or disciplines: will be classed as T4 (<phenomenon(a) or TF yyy>) – T4c.

017 Library catalogues: General works at T8c Catalogues from particular libraries use Cutter numbers for the name of library: T8c (Cutter)

017.3 Auction catalogues: EI7d

017.4: Sales catalogues: EI7c

In the above 3 cases, Dewey distinguishes classified from alphabetical, and then has 018 for catalogues arranged by author, main entry, date, or register number. And 019 for dictionary catalogues.

020 Library and Information Sciences: TF4

020.62 Organizations (subdivided international, continental/ regional, national, regional, state, local): TF4 –PI4 a through f.

020.7 Education, research, related topics: TF4 – PE

020.715 5 on-the-job training: TF4 – PE7

020.9 Historical, geographic, persons treatment: TF4 – TF1; TF4 – TF2; Works on individuals will be classed as TF4 (or some subdivision) and the individual, using I and Cutter numbers: TF4 (I yyy).

021 Relationships of Libraries: Linked notation using T8 or subdivisions thereof.

021.2 Relationships with the community: T8 ↔ SC (a through e)

021.24: Educational role: T8 → PE

021.26: Cultural role: T8 → C

021.26: Informational role: (including info on community action plans): T8 → T [but would prefer more accurate portrayal of type of information]

021.3: Relationships with other educational institutions: T8 ↔ PE

Relationships with museums: T8 ↔ T6

021.6: Cooperation and networks: T8 ↔ T8; T8∑ [for networks]

Centralization of catalogues would be T8 xxx ↔ T8 xxx [Dewey does not do this but in general urges specific types of cooperation to be classed with the activity in question.] This would subsume 021.642 Cooperation through union catalogues.

Inter-Library Loan: T4 > T8 ↔ T4 > T8

021.7 Promotion of libraries: T8 – EI7b, e [Advertising ends up under advertising in Dewey]

Friends of library organizations: T8 – !R5 – P4

021.8: Relationships with governments: T8 ↔ PI2a (b,d,e) [note: Dewey does not distinguish by level]

021.82: Commissions and governing boards: T8 – PI2d [Note we are speaking now of the boards of libraries not library relationships with an external body]

021.83 Financial support: T8 ←rp PI2a (b,d,e)

022 : Administration of Physical Plant: Various linked notations

022.1: Location and site: T8 – N1

022.3: Buildings: T8 – NB

022.31: Certain types of library buildings (college library buildings would be T8 (PE1) – NB [but should be shelved with libraries – need some way to indicate this]

022.4 Stacks and shelving: T8 – NB1a (stacks) [see furnishings below]

022.7: Lighting: T8 – NB1b

022.8: Heating, ventilation, air conditioning: T8 – NB1c,d,e

022.9: Equipment, furniture, furnishings: T8 – NB1a [Dewey also classes computers separately.]

023: Personnel Management: Various linked notations T8 (or subdivisions, as for management of in-service-training which will be T8 – PE xxx ←rs SO xxx [various occupations, including personnel management, librarian (assistant to), consultant, systems analyst, technician, clerk, manager ]

Note: 023.7 job descriptions, and parts of 023.9 (manuals, rules, codes) will be captured as <occupation> -- PI3d

023.9 Elements of personnel management:

recruitment, selection: (SO ←is SO3) \ T8

performance evaluation T8 < SO ←ie SO3

supervision T8 < SO ←rs SO3

employer-employee relations: T8 – IR3.

Wage and salary administration: T8 < SO ←rp SO3

025 Library operations: T8

025.02: Technical services: T8 ← EO98111 (computer services) [other sorts of technical services could also be designated]

025.04 Information storage and retrieval systems: T \ T8 ← EO9811119 (information retrieval systems)

025.06 “” devoted to particular disciplines: <discipline> “”

025.1 Administration: T8 ← SO3 (manager)

025.11: Finance T8 ←rp

User fees: T8 ←rp (I > T8)

025.12: Duplication services: T8 ←rp ((I > T8)→ri)

025.17: Administration of collections of special materials: T8(QQ8) ← SO3

025.19: Administration of specific types of institutions:

Map library T8 (T4d) ← SO3

025.2: Acquisitions and collection development: (T8 – T4) ←rp ; (T8 < T4) ←ma

025.21 : Collection development: (T8 – T4) ←ma

025.213 : Censorship : ga gc T7 See 303.376 [Note : This is an example where Dewey places the exact same complex concepts in multiple places.