
Refereed Articles, Books

Heintzman, Peter D., Duane G. Froese, John W. Ives, André E. R. Soares, Grant D. Zazula, Brandon Letts, Thomas D. Andrews, Jonathan C. Driver, Elizabeth Hall, P. Gregory Hare, Christopher N. Jass, Glen MacKay, John R. Southon, Mathias Stiller, Robin Woywitka, Marc A. Suchard and Beth Shapiro, 2016, Bison Phylogeography Constrains Dispersal and Viability of the ‘Ice Free Corridor’ in Western Canada. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA.

Bison Phylogeography

Ives, John W., 2015, Moving Toward Repatriation. In We Are Coming Home. Repatriation and the Restoration of Blackfoot Cultural Confidence, edited by Gerald Conaty, pp.223-240. Athabasca University Press, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Ives, Blackfoot Repatriation

Ives, John W., Joel C. Janetski, Duane Froese, Fiona Brock, and Christopher Bronk Ramsey, 2014, A High Resolution Chronology for Steward’s Promontory Culture Collections, Promontory Point, Utah. American Antiquity 79(4):616-637.

Ives et al. (2014) Promontory AMS Dates

Ives, John W., Duane Froese, Matthew Collins and Fiona Brock, 2014, Radiocarbon and Protein Analyses Indicate an Early Holocene Age for the Bone Rod from Grenfell, Saskatchewan, Canada. American Antiquity 79(4):782-793.

Ives et al. (2014) Grenfell Bone Point

Billinger, Michael S. and John W. Ives, 2014, Inferring the Age Structure of AD 13th Century Promontory Point Populations from Moccasin Size Data. (Published online, October 9, 2014, American Journal of Physical Anthropology 156(1):76-89.

Billinger & Ives (2014) Promontory Demography

Ives, John W., 2014, Resolving the Promontory Culture Enigma. In Archaeology in the Great Basin and Southwest: Papers in Honor of Don D. Fowler, edited by Nancy J. Parezo and Joel C. Janetski, pp.149-162. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.

Ives, John W. and Duane Froese, 2013, The Chobot Site (Alberta, Canada) Cannot Provide Evidence of a Cosmic Impact 12,800 Y Ago. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 110(41):E3899.

Chobot Site

Ives, John W., Duane Froese, Kisha Supernant, and Gabriel Yanicki, 2013, Vectors, Vestiges and Valhallas—Rethinking the Corridor. In Paleoamerican Odyssey, edited by Kelly E. Graf, Caroline V. Ketron, and Michael R. Waters, Chapter 9, pp. 149-169. College Station, Texas: Peopling of the Americas Publications, Center for the Study of the First Americans, Texas A & M University.

Ives, John W., 2010, Dene-Yeniseian, Migration and Prehistory. Anthropological Papers of the University of Alaska, Volume 5 (New Series). Special Issue, The Dene-Yeneseian Hypothesis, edited by J. Karie and B. Potter, pp. 324-334.

Ives, John W., E. J. Vajda and S. Rice, 2010, Dene-Yeniseian and Processes of Deep Change in Kin Terminologies. Anthropological Papers of the University of Alaska, Volume 5 (New Series) Special Issue, The Dene-Yeneseian Hypothesis, edited by J. Kari and B. Potter, pp. 223-256.

Ives, John W., 2006, 13,001 Years Ago—Human Beginnings in Alberta. In Alberta Formed—Alberta Transformed, edited by Michael Payne, Don Wetherell, and Cathy Cavanaugh, Volume 1, pp. 1-34. Calgary/Edmonton: University of Calgary/University of Alberta Presses. (Centennial Legacies Program, Legacy Partnership Project).

Ives, John W., 2003, Alberta, Athapaskans and Apachean Origins. In Archaeology in Alberta, A View from the New Millennium, edited by Jack W. Brink and John F. Dormaar, pp. 256-289. Medicine Hat, Alberta: The Archaeological Society of Alberta.

Peck, Trevor R. and John W. Ives, 2001, Late Side-Notched Projectile Points in the Northwestern Plains. Plains Anthropologist 46(176):163-193.

Ives, John W., 1999, Rise of the Black Dragon. Catalogue for the International Exhibition, 76 pp. Provincial Museum of Alberta. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Ives, John W., 1998, Developmental processes in the Pre-Contact History of Athapaskan, Algonquian and Numic kin systems. In Transformations of Kinship, the Round Table: Dravidian, Iroquois and Crow-Omaha Kinship Systems, edited by Maurice Godelier Thomas R. Trautmann, and Franklin Tjon Sie Fat, pp. 94-139. Washington and London: Smithsonian Institution Press. [Revised Proceedings of the Maison Suger Symposium, Maison des Sciences de L'Homme, École des Haut Études en Sociales Sciences, Paris, France, June 3-5, 1993.]

Ives, John W., Yang Zhijun, Alwynne B. Beaudoin, and Li Chenqi, 1994, Human Presence in Heilongjiang, China, Along the Late Pleistocene Periphery of Beringia. Current Research in the Pleistocene 11:136-138.

Le Blanc, Raymond and John W. Ives, 1994, The Bezya Site: A wedge‑shaped core assemblage from northeastern Alberta. Northern Cultural Relics 1994 (1):106-120. In Chinese, translated from the Canadian Journal of Archaeology (see below, 1986) by Kang Yu. Harbin, China.

Ives, John W., 1993, The ten thousand years before the fur trade in northeastern Alberta. In The Uncovered Past: Roots of Northern Alberta Societies, edited by Patricia A. McCormack and R. Geoffrey Ironside, pp. 5-31. Circumpolar Research Series Number 3, Canadian Circumpolar Institute, University of Alberta.

Ives, John W., 1990 A Theory of Northern Athapaskan Prehistory. Boulder, Colorado and Calgary, Alberta; Westview Press and The University of Calgary Press.

Fenton, Mark M. and John W. Ives, 1990, Geoarchaeological studies of the Beaver River Sandstone, Northeastern Alberta. In Archaeological Geology of North America, edited by N. P. Lasca and J. Donahue, pp. 123‑135. Boulder, Colorado: Geological Society of America, Centennial Special Volume 4.

Ives, John W., Alwynne B. Beaudoin, and Martin P.R. Magne, 1989, Evaluating the role of a western corridor in the peopling of the New World. Conference Preprints, Human Occupation of the Pacific Continents/Islands, edited by Robert E. Ackerman. Circum‑Pacific Prehistory Conference, August, 1989, Seattle, Washington. Washington State University Press.

Ives, John W., 1988, On the relationships linking social structures, local group size, and economic strategies. In: Diet and Subsistence: Current Archaeological Perspectives, edited by B.V. Kennedy and G.M. LeMoine. Calgary: Archaeological Association, University of Calgary, pp. 66‑79.

Ives, John W., 1987, The Tsimshian are Carrier. In Ethnicity and Culture, edited by Reginald Auger, Margaret F. Glass, Scott MacEachern and Peter H. McCartney. Calgary: Archaeological Association, University of Calgary, pp. 209‑225.

Le Blanc, Raymond and John W. Ives, 1986, The Bezya Site: A wedge‑shaped core assemblage from northeastern Alberta. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 10:59‑98.

Ives, John W., 1982, Evaluating the effectiveness of site discovery techniques in boreal forest environments. In Directions in Alberta: A Question of Goals, edited by Peter D. Francis and Eric C. Poplin. Calgary: Archaeological Association, University of Calgary, pp. 95‑114.

Ives, John W., 1981, The prehistory of northern Alberta. In Alberta Archaeology: Retrospect and Prospect, edited by T. A. Moore, pp. 39‑58. Archaeological Society of Alberta, Lethbridge.

Ives, John W. and Carla M. Sinopoli, 1980, The archaeological correlates of the Athapaskan Kaska. In The Archaeological Correlates of Hunter‑Gatherer Societies: Studies from the Ethnographic Record, edited by F. E. Smiley, et al. Michigan Discussions in Anthropology 5(1‑2):22‑39.

Ives, John W., 1977, Pollen separation of three North American birches. Arctic and Alpine Research 9(1):73‑80.

Occasional Papers, Technical Manuscripts, Popular Publications

Helgason, Gail, 1987, The First Albertans, An Archaeological Search. John W. Ives, General Editor. Edmonton: Lone Pine Press.

Ives, John W., 1985a, The Results of Mitigative Excavations During the Fall of 1979, Strathcona Science Park Archaeological Site (FjPi‑29). Archaeological Survey of Alberta, Manuscript Series Number 3.

Ives, John W., 1985b, A Spatial Analysis of Artifact Distribution on a Boreal Forest Archaeological Site. (Published version of M.A. Thesis). Archaeological Survey of Alberta, Manuscript Series Number 5.

Book Reviews (All by John W. Ives)

2014 Review of The Archaeology of Kinship. Advancing Interpretation and Contributions to Theory, by Bradley E. Ensor, University of Arizona Press. American Antiquity 79(4):794-795.

2008 Review of Athapaskan Migrations. The Archaeology of Eagle Lake, British Columbia, by R. G. Matson and Martin P. R. Magne. University of Arizona Press. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 32:153-159.

2005 Review of Shem Pete’s Alaska, The Territory of the Upper Cook Inlet Dena’ina, Second Edition, 2003, by James Kari and James A. Fall, with principal contributor Shem Pete. University of Alaska Press-Fairbanks. Alaska History 20(2):61-62.

1994 Review of The Campus Site. A Prehistoric Camp at Fairbanks, Alaska, by Charles M. Mobley, 1991. American Antiquity 59(1):165-166.

1992 Review of Ethnoarchaeological and Cultural Frontiers. Athapaskan, Algonquian and European Adaptations in the Central Subarctic, by Hetty Jo Brumbach and Robert Jarvenpa, 1989. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 16:117-118.

1990 Review of The Plains Cree: Trade, Diplomacy and War, 1790‑1870, by John F. Milloy, 1988. Plains Anthropologist 35(132):386‑388.

1989 Review of Kinship and the Drum Dance in a Northern Dene Community, by Michael Asch, 1988. Canadian Journal of Sociology 14(4): 555‑557.

1987 Review of Window on the Past. Archaeological Assessment of the Peace Point Site, Wood Buffalo National Park, Alberta, by Marc G. Stevenson. Prairie Forum 12(2):309‑311.