Autism Research Rounds

A note about these presentations: The language landcape surrounding autism spectrum disorder is ever evolving. The terminology used within the presentations below are a product of thier respective times.
As we learn better we do better.

Dr. Lori Sacrey - October 2023
Attentional Strengths and Challenges in Autistic Toddlers 

April 2023: Veronica Smith, PhD  and Michaela Jelen, MEd Doctoral Candidate

Advancing the Uptake of a Community Autism Early Intervention with the Use of Implementation Frameworks

February 2023: Dr. Sandy Thompson-Hodgetts

It Makes Me a Better Person”: The Unique Experiences of Primary Caregivers Raising Multiple Children Who Experience Disability

February 2023: Dr. Sandy Thompson-Hodgetts

Can a Brief Autism Education Intervention Improve Peer Engagement and Inclusion at Mainstream Summer Camps? A Mixed-Methods Pilot Study 

October 2022: Nick Denomey

 The Experiences of Campuflaging in Canadian Autistic Women 

Dr. Lonnie Zwaigenbaum - Informing National Autism Strategy: The CAHS Report

February 2020: Dr. Lori Sacrey 

Early Behaviour in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

June 2021: Dr. Brea Chouinard - Form, Content, Use: Social Communication Revisited

August 2021: Laura Gilmour - Making Meaning of a Cultural Neurodiversity Book in a Classroom Setting: An Interpretative Phenomological Study

August 2021: Dr. Alex Jackman - The family experience of the ASD diagnostic conference: A qualitative meta-synthesis