
Keywords: Operations Research, Statistics, Causal inference

Published and forthcoming papers:

- Please find  here my 15' video presentation about this work.

- Awarded with Nemhauser Prize for Best Paper 2019.

- Research featured in Kellogg Insight here.

Under review and working papers:

- Please find here my 15' video presentation about this work.


Impatient or Selective? Estimation of Customer Preference in Scheduling Attended Home Delivery

Demand Visibility and Capacity Pooling in Contracts with Commitments:

The Role of Partial Information and Commitment in Dynamic Transportation Procurement:


Blogs and media that mentioned the research above:

Partial Information and Commitment in Dynamic Procurement.

Link to Kellogg Insight: here

Collective Stochastic Coherence in the Cerebral Cortex.

Link to La Vanguardia: here

Link to IDIBAPS blog of science: here

An Empirical Analysis of Sell-through in a Fashion Setting.

Link to IESE Insight: here and here