Pol Boada-Collado

Applied Scientist at Uber

Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences 

Northwestern University

Topic: Supply Chain Operations with Partial Demand Information and Customer Behavior

Advised by: Prof. Karen Smilowitz and Prof. Sunil Chopra

Contact:  boada [dot] pol [at] uber [dot] com

I am an Applied Scientist at Uber, working on Dynamic Pricing. I use my knowledge and experience in Optimization, Statistics and Machine Learning to develop and deploy algorithms that guide pricing and operations strategies.


- Demand Visibility and Capacity Pooling in Contracts with Commitments. Session: TD29. Nov 10, 2020, 4:30 PM - 5:45 PM (Link to video)

- Estimation of Customer Preferences in Attended Home Delivery. Session: WD24. Nov 11, 2020, 4:30 PM - 5:45 PM (Link to video)

 - “Partial Information and Commitment in Dynamic Transportation Procurement”. Transportation Science .

 - “Estimating and Optimizing the Impact of Inventory on Consumer Choices in a Fashion Retail Setting”. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. 

Boada-Collado P,  Chopra S, Smilowitz K. (2019). “The Value of Information and Flexibility with Temporal Commitments”. Submitted. (Available at SSRN)

                - Prof. Karen Smilowitz (chair)

                - Prof. Sunil Chopra (co-chair)

                - Prof. Simge Küçükyavuz

                - Prof. Jan A. Van Mieghem

Boada-Collado, Pol and Chopra, Sunil and Smilowitz, Karen. The Role of Partial Information and Commitment in Dynamic Transportation Procurement (July, 2018). Available at SSRN.

Boada-Collado P. and V. Martínez-de-Albéniz 2014. Estimating and Optimizing the Impact of Inventory on Consumer Choices in a Fashion Retail Setting, forthcoming in Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.