Solar System Research

The Milky Way

Time-lapse videos of Milky Way

Earth Zoom to the Milky Way


National Geographic - NEW! Planets! Planets and More Planets! Great information, beautiful pictures, and interative articles.

National Geographic Virtual Solar System - Great Pictures!! and some good information.

NASA Solar System - This site will also be useful for our planet research project. It includes the important data for each planet and more.

NASA's Worldbook - Click on your planet from the list for some great information.

NASA's Photojournal - Tons of pictures for your PowerPoint presentation!

Mass of Planets

Planet Symbols from NASA - Symbols of all the planets. MOST IMPORTANTLY, there is an explanation of the symbols at the bottom of the page.

Nine Planets - This site offers introductions to the nine planets, their satellites and other Solar System objects, including asteroids, comets and Kuiper Belt Objects.

JPL Planets - This site will be useful for our planet research project. It includes the important data for each planet.

Enchanted Learning Astronomy - Great site for simple planetary data that is very kid friendly. This site also has some good images to use with your presentation

Universe Today - - Amazing resource about all things planets!

Surface Pressure by Planet - - table of all the planets. It is read in BARS (Earth's is about 1 Bar)

Surface Gravity - - Table of all planets

Windows to the Universe - Contains information on all planets.

Volume of planets

Data Table on Rotation

Orbit of the Planets (Including Eccentricities)

Density of the planets

Phrihelion and Aphelion - - Definitions

How planets got their names - brief overview

Planets and Moon Names - - slightly more detailed

World Book Online Encyclopedia - This online encyclopedia may only be accessible while you are at school. It is really easy to find information AND images of your planet. Type the name of your planet in the search tool.

What's Your Favorite Planet? - Nova Science online. Contains info on all of the planets and you can vote on your favorite planet!

Moons of the Planets - List and images of all the moons of the solar system

Kids Nine Planets- Click on the links to find out lots of information about all of the planets. Every link brings you to something new. You really get go deep into this website to find out lots of extension information.

Chronology of Discovery - - moons, planets and celestial bodies galore!

Kids Astronomy - Kid friendly planet data.

NASA Missions - - You will need to read by planet

Your Weight On Other Planets - Type in 100lbs. and select your planet to get the answer!

Planet Discoveries - Not all planets have actual discovery dates.

Distance from Earth? - This website explains how you find the distance of other planets from Earth.

NASA Solar System Interactive

Starchild by Nasa

Welcome to the Planets - Great information about each planet and its characteristics Part 2

Scale of the Universe

Cosmic Zoom

The Scale of the Universe

The Universe

The Best of the Hubble Space Telescope - - A presentation and explanation of some of the best images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope.

Amazing Space - - Amazing Space is a set of web-based activities primarily designed for classroom use, but made available for all to enjoy. Here you can find out what light and color can tell you about stars, learn about the objects that make up the Solar System, or train to be a scientist by enrolling in the "Hubble Deep Field Academy."


Astronomy History

KIDS SPACE - - Interactive kids page where you can test basic astronomy knowledge through puzzles, get basic space information, and tour a space art gallery.

The Space Place - - The Space Place offers information, games, and cool activities for both kids and teachers.