Photography 3-6

FA24 Photography 3-4 FA 1.0 Cr. 1 Year This course will provide in depth study in photographic techniques designed to meet the student's development needs. Students will alternate between traditional and digital photography assignments. Emphasis is placed on Portfolio building and careers relating to Photography. All students enrolled in Photo 3-4 and 5-6 are automatically members of the Photo club. More emphasis is also placed on independent work habits. Unlike Photo 1-2, where the emphasis is mostly learning processes and techniques, the Photo 3-4 and 5-6 students are expected to know the basics and focus on refining their craft in the darkroom, on the computer and expressing themselves as photographers. For further instruction in Photography, you may take Photography 5-6.

FA25 Photography 5-6 FA 1.0 Cr. 1 Year. This course will provide ongoing study of previously learned techniques. Emphasis is on perfecting advanced level photographic skills. The student will be offered the opportunity to build a personalized portfolio. In addition to required technical experience students will build their workplace skills.

All students enrolled in Photo 3-4 and 5-6 are automatically members of the Photo club.

    • If you are interested in taking Photo 3-6 as a dual credit class, here are the section numbers you will need to register. Period 2 – Photo 3-6: section # – ART142