Photography 1-2

Photography is one of the youngest art forms and is an extremely technical process. From exposure to printing, creating quality photographs requires a certain amount of repetition, experimentation and most certainly patience. Photographs are both subjective and personal to the individual Photographer. Even so, there are aspects of photography that can be measured and improved upon. Ever since the first Daguerreotypes were introduced to the public in 1839, people from all walks of life have been fascinated by the magic of light sensitive silver compounds. The goal of this class is to introduce students to the photographic process and develop an eye for artistic expression with photography. Seeing objects, people and landscapes from an individual and interesting perspective and capturing that on film is what this class is all about.

FA23 Photography 1-2 FA 1.0 Cr. 1 Year: This course is designed to introduce students to basic techniques in black and white photography and its application as an art form. Areas covered are the camera, film, film developing, printing, chemistry, history of photography and elements of design. Students will also be introduced to digital photography, digital SLR cameras and Photoshop CS5® as a tool second semester. Students will become acquainted with application of photography as a means of artistic expression, photojournalism and commercial advertising. For further instruction in Photography, a student may take Photography 3-4.

If you are interested in taking Photo 1-2 as a dual credit class, here are the section numbers you will need to register.

    • Period 3 – Photo 1-2: section # 13754 – ART131

    • Period 4 – Photo 1-2: section # 14208 – ART131

  • Period 6 – Photo 1-2: section # 14209 – ART131