Midterm #2 Extra Credit

These problems were created by Emily and your solutions should be submitted to her by the end of the day on Friday, 3/31. Each problem is nominally worth two points.

BobRoss - This scenario uses a CSV file of data from episodes of Bob Ross. You need to complete three methods in the world class that use this data to find the most colorful episode, the most popular color by season, and the number of instances by color. You can earn one additional bonus point by coming up with two more interesting methods. Make sure to put in the comments what these methods are and what they do.

HairSalon - The player must mimic the haircut of the stylist by using the arrow keys. You need to implement the checkMoves() method in the Player class. This method is called when the player has input the same number of moves as the computer and it should evaluate the player's moves for correctness and change the game state accordingly.

Kaleidoscope - This scenario should draw circles to the screen in a kaleidoscope pattern when the user drags the mouse. You need to complete the kaleidoscopeDraw() method in the Canvas class. See the figure below for information on how to interpret the arguments of kaleidoscopeDraw.

LightShow - This scenario should have a light show display on screen. The color of the lights is determined by values in lightShow.txt. You need to implement readInput() and setLights() in the Board class.

PascalsTriangle - This scenario prompts the user for a number and then prints out to screen Pascal's Triangle completed to that depth. You have to complete the fillTriangle() method in the MyWorld class.