Final Exam Extra Credit

Fractal - Complete a fractal to a certain depth using Spheres. Implement the arrow keys for turning the final shape. See images below for what it might look like. The first is unrotated and the second is rotated. (,

PolygonDrawer - Draw editable polygons. When the mouse is clicked, new points should be added to the current polygon and the shape is updated in the scene. The space bar should start a new polygon. The arrow keys should navigate through the polygons to change which polygon is currently editable. (

TrumpTweets - Given a list of phrases, create a line chart that plots the number of occurrences of a phrase by month for 2016. (,, tweets file)

The Shining - Open/close a series of elevator doors in a certain pattern using for loops when the user pressed the space bar. (,

Decrypt - Decrypt a message from message.txt using keys from key.txt. Output the result to output.txt. (, message.txt, key.txt)

Fibonacci - Print n Fibonacci numbers using arrays and then using lists. (

StringValue - Given a random string and a set of rules, write a series of if statements in the correct order to produce the correct result. (