Connecticut TransAdvocacy Coalition

Mission Statement

The mission of the Connecticut TransAdvocacy Coalition (CTAC) is to make Connecticut a safe and tolerant place for the trans and gender non-conforming individual through education and social advocacy. CTAC is a coalition and grassroots oriented organization comprising of individuals and organizations dedicated to the advancement and attainment of full Human Rights for all trans and gender non-conforming people in every aspect of society and actively oppose discriminatory acts.

Connecticut just updated their birth certificates and driver licenses to add an "X" non-binary option!

See our Forms and Documents page for the new driver licenses page

The sixteenth Annual Transgender Lives:The Intersection of Health and Law


Will be held April 30, 2022

Registration for the conference Will open in 03/22!

Calls for Workshop Proposals have gone out!

We will be held virtually due to Covid-19

Greetings everyone,

Our Board President, Natasha Rose Lombardi, is proud to announce that the Annual Transgender Lives Conference will be happening on April 30, 2022 Unfortunately. We will be presenting it it virtually!! We are now accepting proposals for workshops until the beginning of February!

We thank those who have supported and shown interest in our conference. We have sent out the workshop proposal for our 2022 conference and look forward to having you all virtually in April!

For all of those who are interested and able, we are accepting donations to benefit the Connecticut TransAdvocacy Coalition. The conference makes up the vast majority of our annual revenue and without it, we will likely suffer a loss for the year. If you would like to make a donation, please do so at or by check made payable to CTAC via mail at P.O. Box 575, Hartford, CT 06141. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.

In closing, we would like to thank you once again for all of your support and wish you all the best in health and happiness during this time. We encourage everyone to stay safe and practice prudent social behavior. We look forward to having you join this important conference. The Connecticut TransAdvocacy Coalition is an entirely volunteer run organization that is dedicated to our mission and we will be working diligently to address any and all questions or concerns. Please feel free to reach out to and be on the look out for new and exciting things to come from CTAC.

In solidarity,

The CTAC Board of Directors

We have a new mailing address!

CT TransAdvocacte Coalition

P.O. Box 575

Hartford, CT 06141

Connecticut TransAdvocacy Coalition [CTAC]is a 501(c)3 Non-profit.