Reading and Writing

Use this page to reinforce reading and writing concepts taught at school.

Story Online

This site has tons of read alouds read by famous actors!

Follow this link to practice letter names and sounds.

Follow these links to play alphabet games:

Sight Words

This slide show reviews all the words we have worked on as a class so far.

Kids can read them or even try to write them!

sight words

Ways to Work on Reading and Writing Through Play

    • Read a book to your child every day
    • Ask your child to read one of his mini books to you
    • Verbally identify the beginning sound of items in your house (“Table, T-T-Table- what sound do you hear?)
    • Make an alphabet museum in your house- find an item for each letter around the house and label them by the beginning sound using scrap paper
    • Build vocabulary by labeling items in your house or by sorting toys by category (sort toy vehicles or animals by type, sort your son’s books as fiction and nonfiction)
    • Write letters and numbers using your fingers in fun sensory material like shaving cream, finger paint and soap. Pinterest has a million ideas like this if you're feeling creative!
    • Watch episodes of Alphablocks on YouTube