Family Involvement Policy

Tipton County School System

Family Involvement Plan


The Tipton County School System encourages each parent to become involved in the education of his/her child therefore, a Family Involvement Policy and Plan have been adopted for the 2023-2024 school year.  The policy can be found in the Student Handbook which is distributed to each parent/student at the beginning of the school year.  The Policy and Plan are posted on the county's website, and are available to parents upon request.  This Plan is developed to:

Create a common vision of family engagement and resources needed to support and sustain the vision

Increase and improve the level of family involvement/engagement in our schools

Comply with Tennessee Standards on Parent/Family Involvement

Support the system's Tennessee Comprehensive System wide Planning Process (TCSPP)

Identify the indicators that support the district's Parent/Family Involvement Policies 4.5022 and 4.502


Parents have been involved with the LEA in jointly developing the LEA''s (Local Education Association) policy and plan, and in the process of school review and improvement.  The Family Advisory Council will review this policy annually, with the coordination, technical assistance, and other support in planning and implementing effective parental involvement activities to improve student academic achievement and school performance.

The Tipton County School System will promote Family Involvement by providing parents with information regarding the State's Academic Standards, State Student Academic Achievement Standards, State and local academic assessments, the requirements of "No Child Left Behind" (NCLB) Section  118 (parental involvement), how to monitor a child's progress and work with educators to improve student achievement.

The Tipton County School System will provide materials and training to help families work with their children to improve their achievement with the following:  literacy training, and using technology to foster family involvement.  The Adult Literacy Coordinator and the Technology Center will work with the Family Learning Center to ensure this goal.

District and School staff, with the assistance of parents, will received training in the value and contributions of parents to work as equal partners.  The system will work with parents and families on how to reach out to, communicate with, implement and coordinate parent programs and build ties between home and school.

School related information will be communicated in a format and to the extent practicable, in a language the parents understand.  Translators will be used as needed.  As per parent request, the Tipton County School System will provide other reasonable support for parent activities. 

The Tipton County School System will provide other reasonable support for Family Involvement Activities per parent request (ex: childcare, translators, transportation).

The Tipton County School System will coordinate and integrate Title I-A Family Involvement strategies by coordinating with other programs such as Head Start, State-run preschool programs and Title III language instructional programs.

The Tipton County School System will conduct, with the involvement of parents, an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of the policy in improving the academic quality of the schools served by Title I-A.  This will be accomplished by surveys, needs assessments, evaluations of programs  and parent information.

Barriers to parental participation in Family Involvement will be identified, (especially for parents economically disadvantaged, disabled, limited English proficiency, limited literacy, or of racial or ethnic background).

Information to parents will be in a language they understand.

The LEA will inform parents and community of student progress and assessment results. (newspaper articles, information sent home, website).