
Welfare Rights

Its more difficult than ever to be able to determine what you are entitled to, changing of rules, moving of goal posts, placing of obstacles, more and more people are suffering, trying to cope, missing out and watching their families struggle. We try to deal with everybody, we are limited how many we can cope with at any one time, but we will take you through the process, from beginning to end.


We all have a need to update our skills, move with the times, fulfill those ambitions that we had, but missed. Some of us just need some confidence, experience. We offer as much as possible where there is a need, English as a Second Language, IT/computers, Painting and Drawing, Family History. We try to accommodate everyone, if you have a need, ask us, we might be able to help.

Out and about

Tending local green spaces, providing a little tender care to the places that matter to us, neighbourhood management, talking and negotiating with mandatory services, community gardens. Checking people in their homes, assisting where possible, providing a little care that makes a massive difference. Cohesion issues within a very multi cultural area, bringing us all together to make us stronger, resilient and harder to say no to!

And we can still party!

Throughout the year, seasonal

celebrations, parties, special

occasions. Bingo every Sunday.

Trips, Socials, and good times.