C.O.W. (Community Open Work)
C.O.W. (Community Open Work) happens every Tuesday from 1:50- 2:40 when the entire Earth School community shares in open work together. Children gather across grade levels in different classrooms to work together around a common interest. Students make independent choices about the work they do ranging from learning to sew, building with blocks to fundraising or writing a play. The community aspect of C.O.W. is what makes it such an anticipated part of the school week.
Students, teachers and parents can run a “C.O.W. club” at this time. For parents, it's a fun way to share their own interests and expertise with the school community, get to know students and offer our children diverse and rich experiences.
Some examples of past C.O.W. Clubs:
Sports Club (parent-led)
Sewing Club (parent-led)
Shoe Making Club (parent-led)
Fashion Club (student-led)
Ribbon Dancing (student-led)
Garden Club (teacher-led)
School Newspaper (teacher-led)
Pop-Up Bookmaking (parent-led)
Gymnastics Club (student-led)

About me: I’m a professor in the Physics Department at NYU. My lab uses tools from Physics to understand how the brain works. My wife, Shannon, teaches PreK/K at the Earth School. This COW club is supported by funding from the National Science Foundation.