About Us

Knights of Columbus Council No. 10512 was founded in the city of El Cajon, CA on November 20, 1990 under Supreme Knight Virgil C. Dechant. The council was formed in order to help those in the St. Luke community and surrounding areas who were in need of assistance be it financial, physical, or anything in between.

The original Council was comprised of 32 members including the founding pastor Rev. Raymond "Jerry" O'Donnell among other Brothers who are still with the Council to this day. The first Grand Knight (GK) of our Council was John Garbaczewski who was then succeeded by 16 new GK's whom have served once or multiple times over the 25 years as a council.

Our goal is to fulfill, maintain, and protect the core values of the Knights of Columbus; Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. Over the years our council has been part of many service events for the parish and community as a whole. Our efforts have shown tremendous support and recognition by the Supreme office and community as we have receive nearly 20 awards. Most recently, we were awarded 5th place of the Supreme Service Award, a program that includes all councils worldwide, on May 10, 2017. This award was presented to GK Don Mercurio by the President of the San Diego Chapter Kenneth Morris.

As a whole the Knights of Columbus, strives to serve and bring together families of Brothers, both living a deceased, for events that support the parish and neighboring community as well as all organizations supported and sponsored by the Supreme Council.


St. Luke Council No. 10512 Charter, signed by original members