Quick Music Links

Music Assembly Program - 26 Apr 2021 (Mon )  - "The Harp and Flute Duet"

(Teachers , please take note that there is a short quiz in the interactive segment for you to facilitate in class) 

For P1-P3 viewing (Duration : 33 mins)

For P4-P6 viewing (Duration : 36mins) 

1) NDP Medley

medley NDP v2

2) We are Singapore

3) In a heartbeat

In A Heartbeat

Click on left play button for "In a heartbeat "Audio Clip

4) Evolution of NDP Songs V2.0 - MICappella 

5) A Tamil Medley - Muunaeru Vaalibaa x Singai Naadu - 1023 A Cappella 

Click on left play button for "Tamil Medley "Audio Clip