Home Support

Home Support


    1. Play board games with your child. Playing with dice, dominoes, and helping children to find a specific number of items will help them develop subitizing skills and a sense of quantity.

    2. Play card games as a family. Card games build number confidence and encourage fluency. They also teach children new strategies for categorizing patterns, sequencing, and sorting.

    3. Review the number words.

    4. Talk about money. Count coins and bills. If your child has their own money, create a bank book to record earning and spending.

    5. Talk about the weather, the days of the week, and seasonal changes. Create and post a calendar at home. Record important dates and activities with your child. Review your child’s agenda calendar regularly (nightly, if possible).

Interactive Math Games and Songs

Lecture des nombres


Les nombres de 1 à 20


Représenter des nombres


Interactive 100s chart


Exercices et jeux éducatifs


Symmetry Game


Quelle heure est-t-il Demonstration Clock


Les jeux de math


Place Value Game


Les chansons






Je compte par bonds de 2



Je compte par bonds de 5


Je compte par bonds de 10



Lecture à la maison Grade 1

Please do not worry if you cannot read in French.

The Ontario French Immersion program is designed for children of non-French speaking parents.

Make Reading Fun

Reading aloud can be a lot of fun, not just for parents but for all family members. Here are some ways to get the most out of reading to your young child:

1.Read with drama and excitement! Use different voices for different characters in the story. Use your child's name instead of a character's name. Make puppets and use them to act out a story.

2. Re-read your child's favourite stories as many times as your child wants to hear them, and choose books and authors that your child enjoys.

3.Read stories that have repetitive parts and encourage your child to join in.

4. Point to words as you read them. This will help your child make a connection between the words he or she hears you say and the words on the page.

5.Read all kinds of material – stories, poems, information books, magazine and newspaper articles, and comics.

6.Encourage relatives and friends to give your child books as gifts.

7.Subscribe to a magazine for your child. He or she will love receiving mail!

Review reading strategies

Before reading

-Look at the cover of the book. What do you think the book is about? Why do you think that?

During reading

-Does the picture give us a clue? What is the beginning sound? Do you see any sons complexes? Sound out the word. Look for smaller words in a big word.

After reading

-Review the parts of a story: characters, setting, problem, solution (problème, personnages, lieu, solution).

Can you tell me the beginning, middle, and end (début, milieu, fin)? What was your favourite part? Can we change the ending? What would you change about the story? Out of 10, how would you rate this story?

Literacy Resources and Videos

Apprendre à lire:

Interactive games to learn French letter sounds, build vocabulary, and practice letter recognition


French sounds with examples


Vocabulary - animals, fruits, vegetables, days of the week, months, etc.


Vocabulary - animals, fruits, vegetables, days of the week, months, etc.


La phonétique animée


La phonétique animée