
Welcome to room 10 with Madame Morin!

The cost for the agenda is $7


As we are more than halfway through the school year, we are sending a gentle reminder for the payment for your child’s school agenda. Each student received an agenda this past September at the start of the school year.


The cost for the agenda is $7. Please send your payment using the Cash Online System at


We appreciate your cooperation.


La lecture à la maison

Book Bag Program

The students in room 10 are starting to bring a French book home every day. My intention is to build a routine of daily, at-home reading in French. The books are levelled. I have asked the children to choose a book according to the level they are reading in the classroom. If you feel your child is getting comfortable reading, you can ask your child to bring a level up. Your child can always go up or down a level without my permission.

Please do not feel confined to reading only the books I send home! Research repeatedly says that the more time students spend reading, the better readers they will become. A love for reading requires building a student’s confidence and giving readers positive experiences with many different books. French, English or any other language your child speaks or understands.

After reading the book, ask your child to write the title of the book in the rectangle on the right side of the agenda.

Please return the book daily so your child can get a new one! It will be the student's responsibility to get a new book every morning. The children will have time as they enter the classroom to switch their books. The book bag will be put in the front of the agenda.


Thank you for your support

Activation Codes

A list with the activations codes you need for Alphabétik and Numérik  has been stapled in your child's agenda. Please only use the code assigned to your child.

Back To School Shopping for Room 10

If you feel like doing some back to school shopping, here's a list of items I suggest to buy for your child to bring to our classroom.

Essential materials for academic learning will be provided. Please limit the items your child brings to class to the list below. Please encourage your child to take the time to label all personal items.

Thank you

        I would like to share with you some important information about our daily routines:

Classroom rules

Rules and responsibilities are a very important part of your child’s success in school. Please explain to your child the importance of rules and remind him/her to follow them at all times.

School Bags

It would be a good idea for each child to have some sort of bag (preferably a sturdy canvas school bag) to carry home important notices, class work and snacks. The bag should be labelled. 


Each child will need to have a pair of indoor shoes to be left at school. These should be a pair of velcro running shoes with rubber soles. Please make sure you label your child’s shoes. The children are not allowed to walk in bare feet for safety reasons. Velcro is recommended because it saves time. Children have to put on and take off their shoes a minimum of 5 times/day.

Library books 

We will visit the library every DAY 4 for book exchange. At this time, the children may check out 2 books (1 French, 1 English). At home, your child should have a special place for these books to encourage him/her to have respect for, and to take responsibility for, borrowed items. There is a green bin in our classroom to return the books. If you don't return your books, you don't get new ones.

Physical Education

We will have physical education on DAY 2 and DAY 3. Please make sure your child comes to school dressed in loose fitting clothing and appropriate footwear.


We will be going outside for recess everyday. Please dress your child comfortably and appropriately for the weather.

Litterless & Nutritious Snacks

I will be focusing on teaching the kids to live a healthy life and to be friends of their environment. 

I'm asking you for your collaboration by sending with your child nutritious snacks daily. Fruits, vegetables, crackers and cheese are appropriate snacks. Sweets or chips are not appropriate.

If you want to send your child with a drink it must be in a non-spill reusable container appropriate for liquids in order to avoid spillage in the backpacks. The snacks and lunches must also be sent in a reusable container. 

No garbage can be left in the classroom. The left overs will have to be taken home, so please make sure your child has a container where he/she can put them.


Birthdays are very special occasions. When it is your child’s birthday, you are welcome to send along some special cookies, muffins or cupcakes for your child to share with his/her classmates. A little note in the agenda on the day before just to remind me will be appreciated. No nuts or peanuts.


Just a reminder for those parents with children travelling by bus; your child should know his/her pick-up and drop-off points. Please remind your child about appropriate and safe behaviour on the bus.

*** For safety purposes, if for any reason you plan to pick up your child instead of having him/her take the bus, write a note in the agenda to advise me. Otherwise I will put him/her on the bus as usual.***


WE ARE A CASHLESS SCHOOL! Please don't send cash to school.

If you require any assistance contact the Parent Help Desk at 1-866-961-1803

 Personal Objects

I strongly advise you not to let your child wear jewelry at school or bring electronics. Always make sure all personal objects are labelled with your child’s name. If your child decide to bring personal objects to school, please note that I cannot ensure their safekeeping. Therefore, if it is an item of significance and you know will cause grief if it is lost or broken then please keep it at home.


Please do not send any food containing peanut products. Our school is a peanut free environment. Some children are allergic to these products and can have severe reactions to them. If there are allergies or health concerns with your child, please let me know as soon as possible.


Punctuality is a very important issue. Here is the school schedule so you can make sure that your child will be on time.

In the morning, outside supervision in the schoolyard starts at 9:00. At 9:13 children should line up outside Door 2.

The morning ends at 12:00. 

The afternoon starts at 1:00.

 The afternoon ends at 3:45 pm. If you pick up your child, please be there on time. I'm usually outside by 3:40 to avoid the rush.

The afternoon bused children will be escorted to the bus.

If for some uncontrollable reason you are late, please let the office know. Your child will be waiting for you with the teacher on duty (orange vest near the PLAYSCAPE). If you arrive after 4:00, your child will be at the office (use the front door). This kind of situation can be very stressful for your child so please ensure you are on time everyday.


Reporting Absentees

If your child is going to be absent please call the school before 9:00 or 1:00 to report the absence. The school number is 416-394-7070. If your child becomes sick at school, you or one of the names listed on the emergency card will be contacted. Please notify the office if any contact numbers change.

Please remember that if your child is sick with a cough, runny nose or sore throat, they need to stay at home until they are better. Germs spread very quickly and we don't want other students or adults to get sick. Thanks for your cooperation.


Picked up Children

The children will be dismissed at door 2

The dismissal area gets very busy at the end of the day.  It can be difficult for your child to find you in the crowd. Try to be in the same place every day to make it easy for your child to find you. For safety reasons, I can only dismiss your child to people we have previously agreed on. If there's a change in the routine, please write me a note in the agenda. Only parents can inform me about a change of routine.

Please discuss these important rules with your child and have a plan in place for dismissal time.