Metric Conversions

Learning Intention: Convert between metric units using decimals

Do Now:

1) How many milli litres in 10 litres

2) What is two fifths of 10 litres

3) What is two fifths of 10 litres in millilitres

4) How many milli grams in 7 grams

5) How many milli grams in 7 kilo grams


1) Copy the following notes into your notes book:

Metric Units

Distance is measured in metres (m)

To Convert Units

  • larger unit to smaller unit -> multiply
  • smaller unit to larger unit -> divide

1 km = 1000 m, 1 m = 100 cm = 1000 mm

Other units of measure:

Weight: grams (g)

Volume: litres (l) or cubic metres (m3)

1) Estimate the dimensions of the room (height, width, length)

2) Measure the room: In your Maths group, measure the dimensions of the room (height/width/length).

3) We need new carpet for this room. What is the area of carpet we need?

4) If we were to carpet every surface in the room, how much would we need i.e. what is the total surface area of the room?

5) What is the volume of air in the room in cubic metres? In litres?

Extension: Mathsbuddy / OnTrack or Fast Track