

Reading Log

Please read with your child overnight.

He/She will not know every word and is not expected to. It is very important that you understand this. This is the first time your child has seen this book and they need think time.

Before Reading

  1. Have your child point to the title. Read the title to your child.

- Discuss what you think the book will be about.

2. Have your child point to the authors’ name. Ask your child:

-What does the author do? –Writes the words.

3. Have your child point to the illustrators’ name. Ask your child:

-What does the illustrator do? - The pictures.

4. Have your child show you the title page.

During Reading

1. Have your child point to the words as they read. Hold his/her finger if necessary, checking that he/she has the correct starting and finishing points on each page.

  1. If your child comes to an unknown word remind them of good reader skills.
    • Look at the picture
    • Look at the first letter and make the letter sound. (Sound it out)
    • Pass the unknown word and come back to see what would make sense.
    • Chunk the word.
  2. Stop and think. Does what I am reading make sense?
  3. After your child has tried all good reader skills and they still don’t know tell them the word.

After Reading

  1. Ask your child to retell you the story. What happened in the beginning/Middle/and End of the story?
  2. Who was your favorite character and why.
  3. Where did the story take place/setting?
  4. What do you think would happen next in the story if there were another page?