Segundo Grado

Choice Board Grade 2

Choose an activity (•) to do each week from the MHR Spanish Choice Board 1-2. Mix and match, have fun and learn some more Spanish! Make sure to let me know which one you did on the weekly Google Form for Specials.

MHR Spanish Choice Board 1-2


We start our classes by blessing ourselves with the Sign of the Cross. Then we pray the Hail Mary and the Our Father in Spanish.

La Avemaria

El Padre Nuestro

When we talk about the calendar in Spanish, we practice our days of the week, months of the year and our numbers.

Los días de la semana y los meses del año.

Los números. This is a new song to help them learn numbers 1-30.

To celebrate our hundredth day of school we listened to people tell their age in Spanish from 0-100.

We watch Salsa which is Georgia Public Broadcasting's award-winning Spanish language series for young learners in kindergarten through the third grade. Puppets in familiar stories, digital graphics and animation teach the language. The episodes that we have watched are displayed below. Your child can watch and rewatch each episode below. After watching an episode, your child can complete some of the suggested activities at home to reinforce the language.

Los Tres Osos

Episode 101

Los Tres Osos: Making Soup

Episode 102

Los Tres Oso: The New Chair

Episode 103

Los Tres Osos: Hide and Seek

Episode 104

Los Tres Osos: The Birthday Party

Episode 105

Los Tres Osos: Too many cooks

Episode 106

We began our acquisition of the colors in Spanish when students were in Pre K 4. In Grades K-3, we use them as they come up in our stories. Students can reinforce their comprehension with this video.