U.S. History


All Dr. Nelson's Classes are moving to Google Classroom Please select you class and begin.

Homework is present and does have assigned dates

Follow Closely !!!!!

Week 25 3-9-20 to 3-13-20

M. Grade Test, Introduce and begin Northwest Ordinance PPT and Handout

T. Northwest Ordinance continued

W. Articles of Confederation and U.S. Constitution PPT Plus worksheet

T. Articles of Confederation and U.S. Constitution

F Test over Northwest Ordinance and Articles of confederation

Week 24 3-2-20 to 3-6-20

M. Online Air Test Use Edulastic and login

T. Discuss Monday test in Class. Possibly start D.O I.

W. PPT and Notes onEnlightenment Principals in Declaration of Independence . Note Packet

T. PPT and Notes on Enlightenment Principals in Declaration of Independence

F. 50-75 Point Test D.O.I.

Week 23. 2-24-20 to 2-28-20

M. Online Work In Class: 1 page review Due Tuesday

Watch the WWII video by John Green and discuss ideas of how the United States and the world gets involved in the war. Be sure to discuss isolation in your work


T. Sell stocks, complete stock sheets Profit and Losses

W. In class work Due end of class. Chapter 16-3 in book

Complete Main A-E

Write 1 paragraph on each of the following

“The final Solution”

“The Final Stage”

T. In class work Due end of class. Chapter 16-4 in book

Answer A Main Ideas A-E Terms and Names

Write 1 paragraph on each of the following

“The Great Arsenal of Democracy”

“Japan Attack the United States”

F. In class work Due end of class. Chapter 17-1 in book

Answer A Main Ideas A-D Terms and Names

Write 1 page on each of the following include

“Americans Join the War Effort”

“Production Miracle”

Week 22 2-18-20 to 2-21-20

T Review interpreting Artifacts

W WWII video and discussion

T PPT Notes CS 22

F PPT Notes CS 22

Week 21 2-10-20 to 2-14-20

M Scheduling

T Notes

W lecture lead up to WWII

T .

In your group of 2, review each of the cartoons

1. Describe 3 characteristics you see in the Cartoon.

2. What are the Captions and Titles telling you about the meaning of the


3. What do you think the Cartoon is trying to say to the American?

In Class Cartoons Dr. Seuss Goes to War







Appeasement Cartoons





F . Quiz over CS21 notes

Week 20 2-3-20 to 2-7-20

M Intro Stock Market project

T Scheduling

W Time to buy stocks

T Intro CS 21 handout and Powerpoint CS 21

F Notes from CS 21 CS 21 Powerpoint

Week 19 1-27-20 to 1-31-20

M In Class Work. 1 page review of the following Youtube Video on

Causes of Depression Due Friday 40 points


Write ½ page review on the following article. Must include 1 Cite

from the article Due Friday


T Entertainment in 1930 Radio Broadcast


W The Depression in America and Social issues 1920’s

Online Chromebook Due In Class 40 PTS

Homework read the following articles 1 paragraph each:

Why Prohibition?


You must include 1 cite in the above review



You must include 1 cite in the above review

Scopes trial

Read and write 1 paragraph on the Scopes trial http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/disp_textbook.cfm?smtID=2&psid=3390

You must include 1 cite in the above review

T From Textbook

Classwork 15-1, 2 and 4

1. What was the Glass Steagall Act

2. What is the Federal securities act

3. What is deficit spending

4. What is purpose of Social Security Act

5. Explain why entertainment such as Movies, Radio and writing

were so important to people in the great depression 1 paragraph

F Test over CS 15 Great Depression Notes and New Deal Programs

Week 16 1-6 20 to 1-10-20

M Pre Quiz, Powerpoint Content Standard 15 and 16

T PPT C.S. 15 Spanish War and WWI basics

W PPT C.S. 15 Spanish War and WWI basics

T PPT C.S. 15 Spanish War and WWI basics

F PPT C.S. 15 Spanish War and WWI basics

Week 15 12-9-19 to 12-13-19

M Collect homework. Powerpoint 11-1. World War I

T Powerpoint 11-2 World War I

W Powerpoint 11-3 World War I

T Powerpoint 11-1. World War I

F Begin Study guide for Mid Term exam next week. Need Book

Week 14 12-2-19 to 12-6-15

M Ch 10 Sec 1

Define Imperialism?

Explain how U.S. Acquired Alaska

Explain how U.S. Acquired Hawaii

Ch 10 Sec 2

What was the De-lome letter?

Explain what happened to the U.S.S Maine?

Explain the Philippine war and Caribbean wars

Define the Following: Rough Riders, San Juan Hill, Treaty of Paris, Yellow Journalism

T Project Presentations

W Project Presentations

T Project Presentations

F In Class book work

Homework for the week Part 2

If you did not finish Monday’s work complete it first All due Monday

Ch 10 Sec 3

Explain the issue of Puerto Rico and the results of the Foraker Act

Explain the Platt Agreement and how it related to Cuba?

Ch 10 Sec 4

Explain why President Roosevelt wanted the Panama Canal?

Explain the Roosevelt Corollary and Dollar Diplomacy?

Week 13 11-18-19 to 11-22-19

M SWCA Career Day

T Powerpoint CS 13 and 14

W Powerpoint 13 and 14

T Test CS 13 and 14

F Electronic Project work Day

Week 12 11-11-19 to 11-15-19

M Grade Test, Pre Test intro CS 13 and 14

T Powerpoint CS 13 and 14

W In Class work from text book

Chapter 8 section 2 Terms and Names p. 285

Chapter 8 section 3 Main Ideas A,B,C. Terms and Names. P. 289

Plessy v. Ferguson p. 290. Read and write a 1 page summary of the case.

T Powerpoint CS 13 and 14

F Electronic Project work Day

Week 11 11-4-19 to 11-8-19

M Powerpoint Content Standard 12 slide 30 Changing City

T Powerpoint Content Standard 12 slide 30 Changing City

W Test Content Standard 12 Part 2

T Electronic Project groups and topics

F Electronic Project work Day

Week 10 10-28-19 to 11-1-19

M Powerpoint Growth of Cities Standard 12 Continued Pre Quiz

T Powerpoint Growth of Cities Standard 12 Continued

W Test Industrialization First part of Content Standard 12

T Auditorium Naviance Training

F Powerpoint The Challenges of Urbanization Content standard 12

Growth of Cities

Week 9 10-21-19 to 10-25-19

M Powerpoint 7-1,2 Immigrants and Urbanization

T Powerpoint 7-1,2 Immigrants and Urbanization

W Ellis Island Tour

Ellis Island Online Streaming Web Work day watch and write 1 paragraph each sharing things you learned through watching the video. Be descriptive


Arrival at Ellis Island

Ellis Island in Pictures

Detained at Ellis Island

Medical Inspection

Ellis Island Hospital

Underbelly Of Ellis Island

Hurdles to Citizenship

Ellis Island Light

The Ferry Building

T Same as Wednesday

F Powerpoint 7-1,2 Immigrants and Urbanization Collect essays

Week 9 10-14-19 to 10-18-19

M Grade test, Powerpoint Immigrants and Urbanization- Pre Quiz

T Classwork 7-1 Main Ideas A,B,C plus terms and

names p.259 Due Friday

Homework 7-2 Main Ideas A,B,C plus terms and

names p.266 Due Friday

W Powerpoint Immigrants and Urbanization and discussions

T. Powerpoint Immigrants and Urbanization and discussions

Collect Classwork

F No School end of 9 weeks

Week 8 10-7-19 to 10-11-19

M Powerpoint 6-3 Business and Labor Issues

T Powerpoint 6-3 Business and Labor Issues

W Read the following articles and write 1or 2 paragraphs summarizing

each In Class work

History Steel Production Andrew Carnegie


Birth of Telecommunication video Samuel Morse and

Alexander Graham Bell


From Book: Explain Vertical and Horizontal Integration p 242 Main ideas A, B, C, D, E , F , G

T Viewing the following video in the industrial



Write a story of the Industrial Revolution using the following terms:

American Revolution, Andrew Carnegie, Vertical and Horizontal Integration, John Rockefeller and selling oil below cost results, Cornelius Vanderbilt and transportation, American Unions and Social Darwinism

F Test over Chapter 6

Week 7 9-30-19 to 10-4-19

M Essay Quiz 6-1,2 Click here for quiz. You may use your textbook, See

handout for instructions.

T Finish Quiz 6-1,2. Due in class today

W Video Andrew Carnegie

T Powerpoint 6-3 Business and Labor Issues

F Powerpoint 6-3 Business and Labor Issues

Week 6. 9-23-19 to 9-27-19

M Grade Test, Intro Industrial Revolution Ch 6

T Powerpoint 6-1,

W Powerpoint 6-2 Homework 2 Main Ideas ABCD. P.236-239

Terms and Names p.240

T Webwork Summarize in 1 ½ the rise of the American Steel

industry in late 1800’s

You must define the following in the work.

1. Second Industrial Revolution

2. Crucible Steel, (who invented and how it was done)

3. Bessemer process (who invented and how it was done)

4. The Siemens-Martin process and how it improved process


F Powerpoint 6-3 collect homework Expect in class quizzes this

week as well QUIZ LINK

Week 5 9-16-19 to 9-20-19

M You need your book Begin Populist Trifold Tri Fold Project

T You need your book Begin Populist Trifold Tri Fold Project

W Pre test https://app.edulastic.com/#renderResource/close/NzIzNDQ3MjIz

Counselor Visit

T Test over all of Chapter 5. Test is directly from Textbook so read the


F Collect Trifold Powerpoint 6-1 Intro to industrial age

Week 4 9-9-19 to 9-13-19

M Collect last Fridays Homework,

Powerpoint Notes Ch. 5 American Indians

Homework 1 Main ideas 232, 233 Terms and names 233

Due Friday

T In Class Work Due Today Write ½ page summary on following article, Intro to Industrial Revolution https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhL5DCizj5c

W Powerpoint 6-1 Intro to industrial age

T Webwork in class Due Today

From the following maps write at least 5 sentences that describe what you see in the Maps of railroads 1830 to 1950


Write a 2 paragraph summary of the video on the Railroad

Transcontinental RR


F You need your book Begin Populist Trifold Tri Fold Project

Week 3 9-3-19 to 9-6-19

T Powerpoint notes chapter 4 section notes

Homework 1 Read Section 1 and complete main ideas pages 203, 204, 206, 208, 209 Both on 209

Define terms and names p. 211

Read the following Article Write a 1 paragraph summar http://www.legendsofamerica.com/na-sandcreek.html

Due Friday.

Homework 2 Complete main ideas pages 215 (2), 216, 217. Complete terms and names p. 218

Due Friday

W In Classwork Day Summaries 1 paragraph

each : p.204 Government Restricts Native Americans p. 204-

206 Government Supports Assimilation p. 208-209 Cattle Becomes

Big Business Wednesday in Class

T Finish Ch 4 and 5 Powerpoint Notes

F Week 3 Web Work (In Class with Chromebooks)

Using the following links, answer in short sentences the following


What did the 13th Amendment Accomplish?

The 14th Amendment declared what?

The 15th Amendment guaranteed what for who?


Who was Dred Scott and explain his story?

What did the Dred Scott Decision say in 1857?

Explain the relationship between the 14th Amendment and Dred Scott’s situation?

Week 2 8-26-19 to 9-30-19

M Freedom Essay discussion, Ch 4-3 Setting up

reconstruction in America 1860’s

Small Group Challenge

Homework Due Fri: Summarize 1 paragraph each

Confederacy Wears down” p. 180-181 and “The war

changes lives” 182-183 and

Define 13th Amendment

T Discuss Small Group Challenge From Monday


Notes 4-3 in class Powerpoint

W Chromebooks in Class Web Assignment Due


Watch each Video and write ½ paragraphs on each with ideas of each



T Chapter 4-4 powerpoint notes In Classwork

Due Fri:

Summarize 1 page each “Reconstructing Society

p. 186-188 1 page,

Summarize “The collapse of Reconstruction

p. 188-189

F Finish powerpoint notes chapter 4 section 3/4 notes,

Collect all homework.

Week 1 8-21-19 to 8-23-19

W Intro, Webpage location and access Class guidelines Sheet from

webpage Period 2 only agenda and district sheets.

T Chromebook overview, Freedom Essay’s (Click Here) (20 pts.)

F Hand out Textbooks and complete Worksheet on Textbook