Class Guidelines

U.S. History & Modern World Dr. Nelson 2019-2020


1. Attendance on a regular basis is essential for your success.

2. Tardy to class disrupts others, be on time and ready to start.

3. If you know you will miss school for school related activities, I can provide you work so you can turn it when you return.

4. If you miss tests or quizzes, let me know so you can make these up.

5. The student is responsible for checking on all missed work as soon as they return to school.


1. Come to class prepared with book and all needed materials and ready to start.

2. Keep all class notes in a History notebook. (See Below)

3. Always, feel free to ask questions. We will openly discuss sensitive social matters throughout the year, respect others opinions during discussion. At no point, are you allowed to make degrading or harassing comments towards others, groups of people or others legitimate opinions.

4 Hall passes-. No Passes first ten minutes or last ten minutes of class. Only 1 person at a time. No agenda, No pass.


Per School and District rules cell phones are not allowed to be used in within the classroom. (unless cleared by teacher) You must follow the color code system I have on my board for cell phone.

It is my job to teach your child and prepare them for the future, to accomplish this I need your child’s full attention. As a result, cell phones are to be placed where they will not bother your child or the rest of the class.


Agenda: Monday I place the week’s tentative work and due dates on the Grove City Teacher Website. It will remain on the webpage throughout the year. Teaching Methods: I use powerpoint notes using a LCD projector. I blend in short audio and video clips, online article sources, Interactive discussions, Online websites and virtual tours, hands on projects, Small Research papers, In class student presentations, article reviews, textbook summaries, handouts, traditional quizzes and tests.

NOTEBOOK and Learning Journal:

You will be taking notes in class I suggest a simple two pocket paper folder with bendable paper holders inside. These folders allow loose leaf paper to be placed inside the folder and are easy to carry.

GRADING: I use a point system to determine 9 week grades. Normally, there will be around 800 -1000 points offered during a 9 week period. If you earn 780 points and 900 points were available you would have earned 86% or a B. (780/900= 86) I will follow the district policy concerning the report card. You will receive 6 grades, 4 will come from the grading periods plus mid-term and Final exam equal 6.

CONTACT: Students may come to my room 1005 around 7:30 each morning to ask questions or check information. Parents may contact me at