FOOD & Nutrition

We know well fed children are happy with good behaviours. We think one packed lunch between 9am to 5.30pm is not enough food for small active bodies. 

We fervently believe in the adage ‘You are what you eat’. Hence a lot of thought and energy goes into planning balanced, nutritious, tasty, CHILD FRIENDLY meals within our budget.

We strive to provide natural fresh food; where budgets allow we will provide Organic food. The food will be mainly chemical free with no colours, additives & preservatives and also low in sugar to try to educate the small one’s palates away from high sugary foods.

Breakfast (served at 8.45am ish) will be : 

High Tea (served at 4pm ish) will either be : 

After the savoury course will come a dessert of three different fresh fruits 🍌 🍉  🍎 .