Bel Canto chamber choir


Credit: 1 Unit/Fine Art/Year

Chamber Choir/Bel Canto is the most advanced SATB ensemble offered. Bel Canto produces and performs several concerts annually. On top of all the concerts, the group makes guest appearances for many community events and fundraisers. This vocal ensemble represents SHS at the State Music Festival each spring where they are rated by a panel of judges. Singers are vocally challenged through advanced level of singing and complex harmonies from choral music from Medieval Period up to Twentieth Century atonal compositions. To increase creative expressive, singers are also asked to perform music with choreography during the spring semester. Singers learn to work in small groups (sectionals) and become leaders within the group. Singers also get many chances to work with professional conductors and guest adjudicators throughout the country. Students must maintain an “A” or “B” choir average and may not have more than one “F” in classes. This is a performance based class ­­students will be expected to attend outside concerts and performances.

PREREQUISITES: This choir is open to 11­-12 grades with one year of experience in the Concert Choir, Men's Select or Bella Voce Women’s Choir. This is a select group where students must be auditioned by the SHS choral director each spring.