6th Grade General Music (N/A)

Class Announcements

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Click this link to find more resources about the project:

Composer Research Project

Composer Research Project Due Dates:

Planning Sheet: 2016

Rough Draft: 2016

Listening sample due: 2016

Project Due: 2016

Presentation: 2016

~All worksheets are due on the date of the unit test~

Rhythm Unit Test: Friday TBA

Intervals (3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and octave) /Note Reading - Treble & Bass clefs - Unit

Test TBA

Musical Instruments Test (TBA)Instruments Test (TBA)

Composers/Music history Test (TBA)

Rhythm/Technique Checkup: (TBA)


Students in the sixth grade have music three days each cycle (12 cycles) for 1 trimester.

In class we explore in detail the elements of melody, harmony and rhythm. Students will compose melodies and rhythms, listen to and analyze music and learn how to use music software to compose music.

What to bring to class...

Each student should have a pencil or erasable pen, his/her agenda book, and a two pocket folder (It is a 18 points homework grade and is mandatory)

A headphone (1/8" plug with at least a 6 foot cord; no USB plug) to use in the music lab is required and a flash drive is also required.


Students will receive a letter grade, a conduct grade and an effort grade. Grades will be based on quizzes, homework, classwork, (All homework and classwork will need to be done prior to each of the 5 major tests mentioned above) research project, extra credits, behavioral, effort, and participation.

Late Assignments Policy

Students who turn in assignments on time will be given full credit for the assignment. Points are deducted from a grade for every class that an assignment is late. If an assignment has not been turned in within 2 weeks of the due date, the resulting grade will be a 0. If an assignment is late, a “No Assignment Form” needs to be filled out on the day that the assignment is due.

Test retakes

Any student who scores below a 70% on a quiz/test is allowed to retake the quiz/test as long as it is taken within 2 weeks of receiving the quiz/test back. The first and the second grade will then be averaged together. If 2 weeks pass and the test has not been made-up, then the original grade will be the final grade on that quiz/test. Another option is students can work on extra worksheets and take advantage of any extra credit opportunities to improve their grades. Option: Instead of retaking the test, the student can work on extra worksheets to make up the lower grades at Mr. Phung discretion.

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