Monthly Books

This year in Reading 7 you will be reading a chapter bookand completing a project each month. There will be some months, like September, when all of Reading 7 will read a novel from our Franklin Area School District curriculum collection. There will be some months when your section or period has a book assigned just for you or you may get to choose a book or be assigned a book as a team with a partner or a small group. You may even get to choose your very own book sometimes! The idea this year is to read as many different types of book in various genres as we can so that we may all find something that we enjoy reading. You will be introduced to the High School library as well as Dr. Waleff’s classroom library.

Rules for Book Presentations:

1. Presentations are typically worth 100 points

2. You must have your book to display on presentation day or you lose 10 points from your presentation grade.

3. You must present on time unless you have a legal excuse or you will lose 50 points.

4. You must be respectful and cooperative as an audience during all presentations or 10 points will be deducted from your presentation score for each time you are rude or disrespectful.

5. The monthly project will be published in advance of the due date. Please do not nag Dr. Waleff for guidelines early.