Reading 7 Expectations

Reading 7 Expectations

Daily Requirements

1. Sharpened pencil

2. Notebook

3. Novel

4. Chromebook

5. Students are not permitted to use electronics of any type on Reading 7 without permission.

Notebook Requirements

1. Please acquire one sturdy composition style notebook. These are available for as little as fifty cents at Walmart or Staples. This should be a sewn-edge notebook. A spiral bound notebook will not be acceptable.

2. You must bring your notebook to class each and every day that class is in session.

3. Your notebook pages will be numbered.

4. You will keep an up to date Table of Contents (ToC) which includes a Title, date, and page number for each entry.

5. You must have a Notebook by the end of WEEK ONE

6. Your notebook will be graded.

Class Folders

1. We will keep a class folder of key assignments and tests in the classroom.

2. Folders will be updated periodically and returned to you at the end of the year.

Late work Policy

1. Up tp 50% of the total number of points earned will be deducted for late work.

2. Late work will not be accepted after the red line deadline for each nine weeks.

3. Late work will not be accepted after the nine weeks cutoff date.

Mistakes and Unacceptable Grades

1. Everyone makes mistakes if you score less than a C on any given assignment, you make request to make corrections.

2. Corrections are worth up to one-half point per point missed.

3. Credit for corrections may be denied on a per assignment basis or for behavioral reasons.

Extra Credit

1. All assigned work must be completed before extra credit is permitted.

2. Most Extra Credit Projects will involve the Youngstown State English Festival books.

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Waleff at