Assignments, Projects, & Due Dates

Most of our work is done in class; it's rare that students will have an assignment or project to complete entirely outside of class. For distance learners, it's reasonable to spend about 40 minutes a day on assignments for English class. Students have Reading/Writing Workshop time during class (or virtual instruction on Google Meet) to ask questions, conference with me or peers, work together, revise their work, read, write journal entries, and customize assignments to their individual needs.

All of our handouts, detailed assignment descriptions, and supporting media are posted on Google Classroom. Just join our "Friends and Family" class to see what we're working on. I also text/email students and parents using the "Remind" app. Join online or from your phone (with the class code 968cfh) to get those updates; instructions for joining are posted on the "Welcome to Senior English" page.

Feel free to work at your own pace, and use the in-person and live online instruction time to get organized and make progress toward these goals. The days listed next to each activity are recommendations for how to structure your time this week. Remember, you should typically be spending about 40 minutes each day working on English activities, although some students will spend a little more or less in order to accomplish these goals. I'm here to help with whatever you need!.