Where can I find information about addiction jobs?


A good strategy for learning about employment in the addiction field is to use the National Social Service Referral hotline link: 211.org. There, you can find a list of agencies that provide social services in your area (or any area where you might like to work). Review agencies that offer services that interest you (professionally) remembering to bookmark these in your browser. Find the "employment" area and search for jobs. It is a good idea to read job descriptions carefully so that you know which jobs will match your education and experience. Then, once you know possible job titles, contact Career Services and ask for assistance with creating/modifying your resume and practicing your interview skills.

SAMHSA Internship Program

The SAMHSA Internship Program is a great opportunity which introduces students to the role SAMHSA for student interns to gain practical experience through projects, special assignments, or research that support federal, state, and community-based programs, policies, and best practices in the prevention and treatment of substance abuse and mental illness.

Students selected as SAMHSA interns will use their specific skills and knowledge while experiencing the value of their education. For fifteen weeks (40 hours per week), at the SAMHSA headquarters in Rockville, Maryland, each intern will be able to work under the guidance of a SAMHSA manager in a SAMHSA department whose function closely matches their course of study and field of interest.

For more information visit https://www.samhsa.gov/about-us/jobs-internships/internships

Department of Labor

Each state has a local department of labor that provides a variety of agencies for employment opportunity. Many of employment opportunities are with city, state, and non-profit /small business agencies. Visit your local Department of Labor and set up a profile to begin your employment search. For more general information visit https://www.dol.gov/



I have never written a resume before. Where can I go for help with this?

The purpose of a resume is to showcase your skills and education in a way that is easy for an employer to read. There are ways to format a resume that illustrate your strengths, even if you do not have relevant work history or have significant gaps in your work history. It is recommended that you contact the Center for Career Advancement for professional assistance with resume writing and formatting. The Purdue Global Career Specialists are trained to help students interested in working in the addictions field. You will find the Center for Career Advancement by clicking on the Career Network tab at the top of your PG Campus homepage.

What other resources can help me in my career?

How Can I Maintain Ongoing Research Monitoring?

From this link, see the right side of the page to click on “Create Alert.” It will create an alert that sends you regular emails of new article that are published in the field. You can also use other key words to create alerts with other special topics of interest.

What are Some of the Best Treatment Approaches?

The Washington State Institute for Public Policy maintains a research review of cost-benefits of research on a range of treatment approaches.

How Can I get Involved with Advocacy to Help the Field?

NAADAC are leaders in public policy and supporting counselors to support advocacy in current issues for the field. They offer free training, policy papers and related materials.